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graduate bulletin index

Department of Educational Leadership and Policies

Education Administration (EDAD)

  • 690 -- Independent Study. (1-3)
  • 718 -- School and Community Relationships. (3) Development of constructive relationships between schools and the communities they serve. Emphasis on research findings in communication.
  • 719 -- Interpersonal and Group Relations in Educational Administration. (3) Emphasis on modern understanding of interpersonal and group relations derived from current research in educational administration.
  • 795A -- Practicum in School Administration. (3) An internship in schools at the appropriate level for certification. Will include field experience seminars. Should be taken as last course in degree program.
  • 795B -- Practicum in School Administration. (3) An internship in schools at the appropriate level for certification. Will include field experience seminars. Should be taken as last course in degree program.
  • 795C -- Practicum in School Administration. (3) An internship in schools at the appropriate level for certification. Will include field experience seminars. Should be taken as last course in degree program.
  • 826 -- Professional Negotiation in Elementary and Secondary Schools. (3) An advanced course designed for administrators and prospective administrators. Content for the course ranges from theoretical bases for negotiation through application of specific skills in the negotiating process. Also includes a survey of legislative enactments in various selected states.
  • 890 -- Independent Study. (3)
  • 896 -- Practicum in Educational Administration. (3) Open primarily to students seeking district-level administrative experiences.

Higher Education (EDHE)

  • 600 -- Special Problems in Higher Education and Student Affairs. (1-3) (Prereq: consent of instructor) The course is designed to provide opportunities for the study of special topics in higher education and student affairs administration.
  • 720 -- Advanced Study in Adult Education. (3) (Prereq: graduate course in adult learning or development or consent of instructor) Review of the major tenets and theories prominent in the adult learning literature and examination of historical, social, political, economic, and cultural factors influencing contemporary adult learning.
  • 730 -- Evolution of Higher Education in America. (3) Development of environments, institutions, and individuals relevant to American higher education since the 17th century. Covers foundational history as relevant to contemporary administration, students, faculty, curricula, and policies at institutional, state, and federal levels.
  • 731 -- Student Affairs in Higher Education. (3) Objectives and philosophy of student affairs, organizations and administration of student affairs divisions, and current trends and issues.
  • 732 -- The American College Student. (3) Study of theories of college student development and learning and application of theories to enhance administrative practices in American higher education. Also examines the impact of the college environment on students.
  • 733 -- The Ideas of American Higher Education. (3) (Prereq: EDHE 730) Analysis of competing ideas of higher education with the purpose of helping students construct consistent sets of beliefs about values in higher education as a guide to understanding administrative and academic decisions.
  • 734 -- The Community/Technical College. (3) Introduction to historical and current events shaping two-year college missions programs, clienteles, and services. Preparation to assume student services and instructional positions within two-year colleges.
  • 736 -- Financial Aspects of Higher Education. (3) Survey of principles and practices of financing higher education institutions, including revenue generation and asset allocation. The course reviews methods of budgeting and business processes utilized by colleges and universities.
  • 737 -- Legal Aspects of Higher Education. (3) Especially for faculty members and administrators in post-secondary institutions. Emphasis on techniques of legal research, constitutional provisions, statutory laws, court decisions, and regulations as they affect administration of higher education.
  • 738 -- Principles of College Teaching. (3) Designed for prospective teachers in institutions of higher education. Considers the practice of teaching from philosophical, empirical, conceptual, and practical vantage points to prepare instructors for a changing and diverse student population.
  • 747 -- Program Design and Implementation. (3) (Prereq: consent of instructor) An analysis of the theories, processes, and issues underlying the design and implementation of programs for learners in a post-secondary or professional context.
  • 748 -- Staff Development and Training. (3) Review of the history, concepts, current techniques, and issues in staff development and training examination and application of skills required by the training practitioner and learning specialist.
  • 799 -- Thesis Preparation. (1-9)
  • 830 -- Organization, Administration, and Governance of Higher Education. (3) Application of organization and administrative theory to post-secondary institutions of education, with emphasis on policy implementation.
  • 831 -- Internship in Higher Education and Student Affairs. (3-6) (Prereq: prospectus must be submitted at least one month before start of the internship) Internship experience in higher education and student affairs offices. Students are placed in college, university, or agency administration offices under joint supervision of administrative personnel of these offices and faculty members. (Pass/Fail Grading)
  • 832 -- Seminar in Higher Education. (3) (Prereq: EDHE 730 or consent of instructor) Selected topical problems in higher education for advanced graduate students interested in the administration of higher education or college teaching. Possible topics include: evaluation, accountability, management, the learning society, the financial crisis, coordination vs. autonomy. Case studies will be used.
  • 833 -- Contemporary Trends/Issues in Higher Education. (3) Overview of the major trends and issues confronting American higher education.
  • 834 -- Internship in College Teaching. (3-6) (Prereq: EDHE 738) Designed to provide opportunity for supervised teaching experience in 2-year and 4-year institutions of higher education. Student will intern as teacher with day-to-day supervision by an experienced instructor. Weekly seminar on campus. Grading will be on an S/U basis.
  • 835 -- Leadership in Higher Education. (3) (Prereq: EDHE 730) Leadership theory and practice as applied to programs, units, and institutions in higher education. Addresses leadership strategies, options, characteristics, traits, and styles.
  • 837 -- Higher Education and Student Affairs Practicum I. (3) Supervised experiences in different aspects of higher education and and student affairs administration through work in various administrative offices at USC and other colleges. (Pass/Fail Grading)
  • 838 -- Higher Education and Student Affairs Practicum II. (3) (Prereq: EDHE 837) Additional opportunities for supervised experiences in higher education and student affairs administration. (Pass/Fail Grading)
  • 839 -- Institutional Assessment in Higher Education. (3) Concepts, models, and practice of institutional assessment. Student participation in an actual assessment project.
  • 899 -- Dissertation Preparation. (1-12)

Educational Leadership (EDLP)

  • 520 -- The Teacher as Manager. (3) To help teachers, principals, and other personnel solve school problems by identifying and applying selected management techniques.
  • 525 -- Resources for Teaching and Learning. (3) An introduction to educational technology, its increasing importance in the total school program, and its relationship to learning theories and communication.
  • 530 -- Workshop in Aviation Education. (3) A general orientation to aviation and its related fields. Emphasis on ways of introducing aviation into the classroom, the use of aviation as motivation for projects, and preparation for teaching a course in aviation education.
  • 555 -- Resources for Teaching and Learning. (3) An introduction to educational technology; its increasing importance in the total school program and its relationship to learning theories and communication. Emphasis will be placed upon a practical survey of media and materials as they facilitate the teaching-learning process.
  • 601 -- The Effective Teacher. (3) Use of theory and research to understand and improve classroom teaching. Emphasis on teacher reflection and decision-making. The administrative role in enhancing effectiveness is highlighted.
  • 690 -- Independent Study. (1-3)
  • 700 -- Introduction to Educational Administration. (3) A survey of basic principles of school administration, the conceptual and structural organization of public education, and the educational governance at the federal, state, and local levels.
  • 701 -- School Leadership. (3) A study of interpersonal relations and communication within an educational organization and between the school and the community.
  • 702 -- School Personnel Administration. (3) Personnel management in the public schools with attention to such issues as teacher supply, recruitment, selection, staff development, supervision, teacher welfare, legal rights/liabilities of school personnel.
  • 703 -- Supervision of Instruction. (3) An introduction to the functioning of an educational supervisor. Emphasis on the improvement of instruction and instructional programs.
  • 704 -- School Finance and Business Management. (3) (Prereq: At least two of the following: EDLP 700, 701, 702, 703) Financial and business management functions of school administration. Local/state/national funding issues, economics and politics of school finance, budget preparation, accounting/auditing/plant operation/maintenance from school level.
  • 705 -- Legal Basis of Educational Organization and Administration. (3) (Prereq: At least two of the following: EDLP 700, 701, 702, 703) Emphasis on techniques of legal research, the legal relationships between the federal and state government as they relate to school district organization and administration, as well as legal case studies in all major areas of administrative concern.
  • 706 -- The Principalship. (3) (Prereq: Completion 15 hours of EDLP courses; coreq: one of EDLP 707A/B, 708A/B, or 709A/B) Principles, problems, competencies, and practices involved in the administration of schools.
  • 707A -- The Elementary School Principal in Practice I. (3) (Coreq: EDLP 706 or consent of instructor) One of two courses in a required two-semester internship in the elementary schools.
  • 707B -- The Elementary School Principal in Practice II. (3) (Coreq: EDLP 706 or consent of instructor) One of two courses in a required two-semester internship in the elementary schools.
  • 708A -- The Middle School Principal in Practice I. (3) (Coreq: EDLP 706 or consent of instructor) One of two courses in a required two-semester internship in the middle schools.
  • 708B -- The Middle School Principal in Practice II. (3) (Coreq: EDLP 706 or consent of instructor) One of two courses in a required two-semester internship in the middle schools.
  • 709A -- The High School Principal in Practice I. (3) (Coreq: EDLP 706 or consent of instructor) One of two courses in a required two-semester internship in the high schools.
  • 709B -- The High School Principal in Practice II. (3) (Coreq: EDLP 706 or consent of instructor) One of two courses in a required two-semester internship in the high schools.
  • 751 -- Advanced School Law. (3) (Prereq: EDLP 705) A seminar designed to give teachers and school administrators an opportunity to explore key legal issues.
  • 752 -- Computer Management in Educational Institutions. (3) Open to advanced graduate students of education. History of the management, movement, and application of techniques and processes for managing the modern educational institution, emphasizing computer technology.
  • 753 -- Advanced Methods of Instructional Supervision. (3) (Prereq: EDLP 703 or equivalent and employment in a position requiring supervisory responsibilities) An analysis of leadership techniques necessary to produce instructional improvement in educational organizations and of the technical methodology that distinguishes instructional supervision from other positions of school leadership.
  • 754 -- Educational Finance. (3) (Prereq: EDLP 704 or consent of instructor) A study of principles of financing public education, analyses of revenue sources from all levels of government, existing plan of financing and possible alternatives for financing schools from district level.
  • 755 -- Educational Policy Analysis. (3) (Prereq: EDLP 705 or consent of instructor) An introduction to policy making in education with emphasis on the local and state levels of policy formation.
  • 756 -- The Superintendency. (3) (Prereq: EDLP 706 and admission to Ed.S. or Ph.D. program or consent of instructor; coreq: EDLP 757) A two-semester course on the district superintendency.
  • 757A -- The Superintendent in Practice I. (6) (Coreq or prereq: EDLP 706, EDLP756, and admission to Ed.S. or Ph.D. program) The first of two courses in a required two-semester internship in the district superintendency.
  • 757B -- The Superintendent in Practice II. (3) (Prereq: EDLP 757A and admission to the Ed.S. or Ph.D. program) The second of two courses in a required two-semester internship in the district superintendency.
  • 758 -- School Building Planning. (3) (Prereq: Admission to Ed.S. or Ph.D. program or consent of instructor) Study of the problems involved and the procedures utilized in a comprehensive approach to planning and constructing school plants, the personnel involved and the roles they play, and the problems related to the long-term financing of such facilities.
  • 799 -- Thesis Preparation. (1-9)
  • 803 -- Administrative Evaluation and Decision-Making. (3) (Prereq: Admission to Ed.S. or Ph.D. program or consent of instructor) A study of the requirements, practices, problems, and opportunities of administrative evaluation of programs and personnel as required by state and federal educational legislation.
  • 804 -- Advanced Educational Finance. (3) (Prereq: Ph.D. candidate and EDLP 704 and 754) A study of funding schemes, the economics of financing, and construction and defense of a school district budget. Microcomputers are utilized.
  • 805 -- Advanced Educational Policy Analysis. (3) (Prereq: Ph.D. candidate and EDLP 705 and 755) Advanced study of policy making at the federal level. The class will include a mandatory week-long stay in Washington, D.C.
  • 806 -- Theories of Educational Leadership. (3) (Prereq: Consent of instructor) Organization, leadership, motivation, and change theories as they apply to educational agencies and institutions.
  • 807 -- Seminar in Education Administration. (3) (Prereq: Admission to doctoral program and consent of instructor) Selected topics in educational administration with an emphasis on the integration of issues in finance administration, supervision, evaluation, policy and financial planning/management in education.
  • 808, 809 -- Field Problems in School Administration. (1-3 each) Opportunity for in-depth study of selected field problems in educational administration, utilizing research and other techniques.
  • 890 -- Independent Study. (3)
  • 899 -- Dissertation Preparation. (1-12)


  • 625 -- Solving Practical Problems in the School Curriculum. (3) An introduction to current and promising designs and approaches to curriculum development from grades K-12.
  • 710 -- Diversity Training for Staff Development. (3) Review of the history, concepts, current techniques, skills, and issues in diversity training as it applies to effective staff development.
  • 720 -- Introduction to Diversity and the Curriculum. (3) An introduction to the vast array of differences among children, youth, and adults and the impact of these differences on the curriculum, their learning, and their social and emotional development.
  • 721 -- Social Class Diversity and the Curriculum. (3) (Prereq: EDCS 720 or EDTE 779) The interplay of social class diversity, curriculum development, and success in formal schooling. Promising programs and practices for educating children of poverty are critically examined.
  • 722 -- Racial and Ethnic Diversity and the Curriculum. (3) (Prereq: EDCS 720 or EDTE 779) A critical examination of theories of race and ethnicity and their impact on the curriculum. The dynamics of dominance, issues of social justice, and means of social action are explored.
  • 723 -- Understanding Sexual Diversity in Schools and Other Social Institutions. (3) An examination of issues and concepts relating to sexual diversity as it applies to formal and nonformal educational settings with particular emphasis on curriculum, educational policy, and school practice.
  • 724 -- Gender Diversity in Schools and Communities. (3) (Prereq: EDCS 720 or permission of instructor) A study of gender, culture, and power; research and theory from educational psychology, sociology, history, and current feminist scholarship.
  • 725 -- Principles of Curriculum Construction. (3) (Prereq: EDLP 720 or equivalent) Presentation of methods and procedures to design, develop, implement, and evaluate curricula.
  • 726 -- Curriculum Leadership. (3) (Prereq: EDCS 725) Study of theory, research, and practice of curriculum leadership as a transformative enterprise with particular focus on embracing diversity and fostering social justice in schools and other social institutions.
  • 727 -- Curriculum Issues in Practice. (3) (Prereq: EDCS 725 or equivalent) Each student identifies and studies a contemporary curriculum issue pertaining to diversity. Under faculty supervision, observations and interviews in schools and/or community agencies will take place throughout the semester.
  • 728 -- Curriculum of Higher Education. (3) A survey of the design and development of post-secondary curriculum.
  • 729 -- Organizational Change in Education. (3) Investigation of the process of diffusion and adoption of innovations and change in schools and communities, with a particular emphasis on the inclusion of and impact on diverse populations.
  • 799 -- Thesis Preparation. (1-9)
  • 820 -- Advanced Study of Diversity and Curriculum. (3) (Prereq: admission to Ed.D. in Curriculum Studies and permission of advisor) The formulation and use of interpretive frameworks to study and understand the relationships among human diversity, school structures, and the curriculum.
  • 821 -- Curriculum Theory. (3) An advanced curriculum course designed to allow students to investigate and analyze curriculum studies discourse and its application to issues of diversity.
  • 822 -- Curriculum Classics: Trends and Issues. (3) The systematic presentation of classic curriculum works as they relate to current theoretical issues in education.
  • 823 -- Curriculum Inquiry. (3) (Prereq: permission of instructor) Examination of empirical, critical, and phenomenological methods and issues in conducting curriculum research.
  • 824 -- Curriculum Seminar. (3) Intensive study of a designated topic influencing curriculum theory and/or practice.
  • 899 -- Dissertation Preparation. (1-12)

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