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Fraternity and Sorority Life

  • Multicultural Greek Council members pose in front of a bronze Cocky statue.

Cultural Greek Council

The Cultural Greek Council (CGC) is the governing body comprised of fraternities and sororities that priorite cultural awareness and advancement. Its member organizations are dedicated to promoting diversity, inclusion, and cultural understanding while fostering a supportive community for their members through various programs, events, and initiatives. CGC has seven elected officers to act as liaisons between the university and chapter members to create legislation, support the membership, promote academic excellence, create educational programming and service opportunities, and more.


The council meets bi-weekly with one delegate from each chapter to collaborate and have open discussion about current issues. Meetings are scheduled at 8 p.m. every other Thursday.

Intake Orientation
CGC Week
CGC Showcase
National Hazing Prevention Week
Trick-or-Treat with the Greeks

Alpha Sigma Rho
Kappa Delta Chi
Phi Iota Alpha

Coming Fall 2024:

  • Delta Epsilon Psi
  • Omega Delta Phi

For more information about the CGC chapters, visit the chapters page of our website.

How to Join an CGC fraternity or sorority
Each CGC fraternity and sorority brings in new members during the fall and spring semesters through a process called Membership Intake. All organizations governed by the Cultural Greek Council have different requirements for membership. These organizations are permitted to conduct intake based on the chapters schedule and/ or their need for new members.

Some organizations conduct intake each semester; others do so only once a year. When organizations are looking to conduct CGC Membership Intake, many of them will host an informational meeting in which the criteria for membership is explained. These are usually publicized via social media but please follow up with each organization for specific information. 

CGC will host a general information session about  its organizations for students. This event is called “CGC Showcase” and is held in the fall semester. CGC will host a formal information session detailing the Membership Intake process, requirements, and policies for students who have questions or are unsure about the intake process. This event is called “Intake Orientation.” There are two sessions hosted each semester.

Requirements to Join an CGC organization
All students who want to join an CGC organization must have a minimum cumulative GPA of a 2.50. Though it is not required, we highly suggest that individuals have community service experience, and involvement in clubs or community activities. Nevertheless, each CGC organization has its own requirements set by their (inter)national organization and the USC Chapter. Please contact the USC chapter that you are interested in for more information. 


Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
