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Graduation and Retention Network

RETL 250

Sustainability in Fashion and Retail

Sustainability in Fashion and Retail examines the challenges faced by designers, product developers, and consumers as they create, wear, and recycle clothing and fashion. Topics include (but are not limited to): the environmental impact of fast fashion, social responsibility, economic impact of textile and clothing recycling, technology and sustainable futures, and exploring healthy and clean fiber. 

Course Syllabus [pdf]

Download the course syllabus for full details about expectations, readings, assignments and more.

Learning Outcomes:

Students who successfully complete RETL 250 – Sustainability in Fashion and Retail will be able to: 

  • analyze the sustainability challenges facing designers, product developers, and consumers; 
  • identify the seven main forms of sustainable fashion consumption; 
  • examine effective best practices of contemporary industry initiatives toward sustainability; 
  • compare sustainability practices over the past twenty years for specific designers/companies.  

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
