Solicitation USC-FPB-3647-KM [pdf]
Solicitation Number: USC-FPB-3647-KM
Non Mandatory Pre-Bid: 08/21/2020 10:30 A.M. Conference Call (800) 753-1965 / Access Code 7777162
Deadline for Questions: August 21, 2020 at 5:00 PM Local Time
Deadline for Offers: September 15, 2020 at 11:00 AM Local Time
Buyer: Kristen Moss
Number of pages: 45
- Amendment - Amendment 2 [pdf]
- Award - Notice of Intent to Award [pdf]
- Amendment - Amendment 1 [pdf]
- Amendment - Amendment 3 [pdf]
- Award Extension - Award Extension [pdf]
- Award - Notice of Award Posting [pdf]
- Award - Notice of Award Posting 2 [pdf]