Staff senators serve as a voice for their respective unit, division, department and
entire staff body. The staff senator is responsible for distributing information of
the Staff Senate efforts to their respective organizational unit(s) they represent
and bring concerns and interests of staff employees to Staff Senate. They are expected
to spend 4-6 hours a month on senator obligations, including but not limited to: monthly
staff senate meetings, staff senate committees, assist with communication to your
unit, etc. Staff senators should keep in mind their work should always embody the
Staff Senate mission and purpose.
Senate Formation FAQs - Campaigning and Elections
Campaigning can occur two weeks before the election.
Candidates/nominees for Staff Senate can campaign, but must adhere to the Carolinian Creed. Candidates will be responsible for their own campaign, should they wish to campaign. Candidates may let personal contacts know he/she/they are running for office, and encourage colleagues to vote for them. Candidates can conduct outreach via email, social media, listserv, etc., but must follow their unit’s expectations and standards regarding listserv and policies of other social media sites. Candidates are to provide direct links to the Staff Senate website in their correspondence.
All USC full time, part-time, research grant, time limited and temporary staff are eligible to vote in the election.
Your organizational unit will be determined based on who manages your employee performance management system (EPMS). Each staff member will vote for senator candidates on the organizational unit ballot in which they work. The number of candidates they can vote for will be determined by the number of senators in their organizational unit. Please see the staff senate breakdown chart below for more information.
Most staff will vote electronically using a Staff Voting Module.
The Staff Voting Module has closed and will open again in Spring 2025.
If you have any questions about using the voting module, please contact the DoIT Service Desk at 803-777-1800 between the hours of 8 a.m. and 6 p.m., Monday through Friday.
If staff do not have access to a computer, they can vote at the Carolina Tech Zone located on the first floor of the Byrnes building at 901 Sumter Street, Suite 119 - right across from the Horseshoe. They are open Monday through Friday: 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Paper ballots have been issued for select organizational units that requested them in advance. Your organizational unit Staff Senate point of contact will notify you if your area is using paper ballots.
Senator election results will be announced no later than June each year.
Senate Formation FAQs - General
Staff Senate nominations open each year. 2025 nominations open in the new year.
Nominees are notified, and those accepting their nomination and verified as eligible
will appear on the slate.
Staff Senate nominations open each year. 2025 nominations open in the new year.
Nominees are notified, and those accepting their nomination and verified as eligible
will appear on the slate.
- Senators must be Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) (full-time or, part-time) or Research Grant Position (RGP) employees of the University.
- Senators must been employed at the University for a minimum of one (1) consecutive year before their election dates.
- At the time of the election, the employee must be a member of the specified organizational unit.
- Senators must be in good standing with the University upon election and remain in such standing during their terms.
- As outlined in the Staff Senate Bylaws (hyperlink) Article III: Membership, Section 1: Representation
Your organizational unit will be determined based on who manages your employee performance management system (EPMS).
Plan to commit four (4) to six (6) hours each month to Staff Senate responsibilities. Any hours worked that would cause a nonexempt employee to incur overtime or compensatory time must receive preapproval by the employee’s supervisor and should only occur on an infrequent basis.
The full Staff Senate will meet monthly. Senators are also encouraged to join Staff Senate Committees. Committee Meeting frequency will be set by committee leadership.
Staff Senate committees include, but are not limited to Membership Committee, Communications Committee, Staff Policy and Welfare Committee, Professional Development Committee, and By Laws Committee. Senators may also be invited to participate in university-level committees per the request of the executive committee.
The senator nomination and election process will take place between March and June. The Staff Senate is expected to be fully functional by July:
- March - April: Senator nominations open
- Mid-April: Senator elections occur
- Early May: Elected senators and run-offs announced
- Mid-May: Run-off elections occur
- June: Full slate of senators announced
- July: Staff Senate holds first monthly meeting
Staff Senate Composition
The staff senator breakdown was developed based on the USC Organizational Summary Chart and number of staff in units.
The staff senate is organized by the University Summary Organizational Chart. It was important to start the Staff Senate in a way that would allow the organization to be effective and successful. Based on the research done by the bylaws committee, the recommendations to keep the organization at the university organizational level allowed there to be representation across all areas of the university.
Staff senate is organized by organizational unit to allow for it to be a manageable and effective group. The goal is that individuals will have the opportunity to run for a senator seat and serve as a voice for their organizational unit.
The senator numbers will be re-calculated annually before senator elections occur. The details of this process are outlined in the bylaws Article III: Section 1: Representation: F.
Staff Senate Breakdown (based on organizational unit size)
Organizational Unit | Number of Senators |
Office of the President and Extension Offices* | 2 |
Athletics | 4 |
Administration and Finance | 6 |
Communications and Public Affairs | 2 |
Division of Development | 2 |
Division of Information Technology | 3 |
Division of Student Affairs | 5 |
Provost Office Reporting Offices** | 1 |
Arnold School of Public Health | 1 |
College of Social Work | 1 |
College of Arts and Sciences | 1 |
College of Education | 1 |
College of Information and Communications | 1 |
College of Engineering and Computing | 1 |
College of Hospitality, Retail and Sport Management | 1 |
College of Nursing | 1 |
College of Pharmacy | 1 |
Darla Moore School of Business | 1 |
Palmetto College Columbia | 1 |
Research | 1 |
Graduate School | 1 |
School of Law | 1 |
School of Music | 1 |
South Carolina Honors College | 1 |
School of Medicine - Columbia | 1 |
School of Medicine - Greenville | 1 |
University Libraries | 1 |
TOTAL | 44 |
*Office of President and Extension Offices include BOT, DEI, OIPEE, Ext. Affairs
**Provost Office-Reporting Offices includes Fac Sen; UAC; McNair; Rule of Law; Center for Integrative and Experiential Education; CTE; On Your Time; Continuing Ed; Academic Prgm; Global Carolina; Carolina Online; OIRAA; Office of Distributed Learning