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University Libraries

The C. Edgar and Julie Grissom Collection of Ernest Hemingway

The C. Edgar and Julie Grissom Collection of Ernest Hemingway was formed over the course of fifty years and includes over twelve hundred items by and about Ernest Hemingway published between 1914 to 2009.

The collection is comprehensive in scope, including both primary and secondary works, from Hemingway’s earliest works through modern reprints and includes recent scholarly and critical editions, as represented in books, pamphlets, magazines, and newspapers, as well as blurbs, reviews, interviews, epigraphs, and keepsakes. The collection contains twenty-seven proofs and advance copies, including a copy of the virtually unseen proof of Jonathan Cape’s 1927 edition of Fiesta, as well as the previously undocumented dummy copies of both the 1929 and 1948 editions of Scribner’s Farewell to Arms, file copies of Winner Take Nothing and  Green Hills of Africa, and advance presentation copies of The Old Man and the Sea and Across the River and into the Trees. In addition, the Grissom Collection includes the largest assembly of continental printings and dust jacket variants.

This acquisition was made possible by the Easterling-Hallman Foundation with gift from Dr. and Mrs. C. Edgar Grissom.

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