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My USC Lancaster

Faculty Accomplishments 2021 - 2022

Spring 2022

  • Shemsi Alhaddad  completed the TE certification for Teaching Towards Inclusive Excellence. Please consider following her lead and completing this training.
  • Fernanda Burke has been selected as a recipient of the 2022 Distinguished Research Service Award.  The Office of the Vice President for Research created the Distinguished Research Service Award to recognize UofSC faculty members who have demonstrated outstanding commitment to our internal research programs
  • Dr. Courtney Catledge, Dr. Ann Scott, Dr. Robin Dawson, and Dr. Leigh Pate (BSN nursing at Lancaster and Columbia) have been selected to present a podium presentation entitled “Hepatitis B Immunity Among Undergraduate Nursing Students:  Documentation and Alignment with Best Practices” at the Sigma Theta Tau 33rd Annual International Nursing Research Congress, in Scotland, July 21-25, 2022.
  • Stephen Criswell and Chris Judge and the NASC staff are to be congratulated for securing a 25,000 grant from the Gaylor and Dorothy Donnelly Foundation for oral history work regarding the Native Americans in the Lowcountry.
  • Elizabeth Easely and Sarah Sellhorst received the proof of their contribution to The Cambridge Handbook of Undergraduate Research: Undergraduate Research in the Exercise Science Discipline.”
  • Annette Golonka and Bettie Obi-Johnson along with students Khalisha Emmanuel, Jeffshan Ponnarasu, and Joseph Pryor, recently had an article published in the Journal of Chemical Education ( According to the faculty: “For this project we worked with 3 students to develop a novel undergraduate chemistry experiment involving SPME-GC-MS analysis of linalool and other components in essential oil samples. We evaluated the lab with our Analytical Chemistry and Organic Chemistry students at USCL. With support from the USCL Research Club, the students presented their preliminary results for this project at the South Carolina Academy of Science meeting and Discover UofSC in 2019. The Journal of Chemical Education (JCE) is an international journal serving instructors from middle school through graduate school. It features articles on pedagogy, instructional methods, and laboratory experiments. We are thrilled to have had our work published in this journal.”
  • Lisa Hammond was awarded a two-week residency in poetry in February by the Hambidge Center for Creative Arts and Sciences. Situated on 600 acres in the mountains of north Georgia, Hambidge is a sanctuary of time and space that inspires individuals working in a broad range of disciplines to create works of the highest caliber. Hambidge Fellows include Grammy Award and Pulitzer Prize winners, Poet Laureates, Guggenheim Fellows, and MacArthur Fellows. Their books have been reviewed in the New York Times; their plays have been produced on Broadway; and their artwork showcased in the Venice and Whitney Biennales, among others.
  • Kate Holland’s Research Assistant Brooklyn Sears-Harness got accepted into the Ed.S. Counselor Education program at the University of South Carolina.  Brooklyn has been Kate’s Research Assistant for 2 years and Kate supervised a PALM 494 Internship for her; she will be graduating from USCL this spring with her BLS.
  • Chris Judge has been appointed to the Board of Directors of the USC Educational Foundation. He has also been elected Secretary of the newly formed Archaeological Institute of the Pee Dee.
  • Patrick Lawrence published an op-ed in The State came on free speech. That led to an invitation to speak to a community interest group of about 30-40 people in Columbia (via Zoom) about free speech issues on February 7. 
  • Patrick Lawrence has recently presented the following:                                                
    1. “Sexual Awakening in the Kitchen: Erotic Foodways in Viet Nguyen’s The Sympathizer and Philip Roth’s Portnoy’s Complaint.” Conference Presentation at the Society for the Study of the Multi-Ethnic Literatures of the United States Annual Conference, 2022. New Orleans, LA.                                          
    2. “Roots and Ramifications of 21st Century Challenges to the Freedom to Read.” Virtual roundtable discussion and cultural event. Panelist and Event Co-Organizer, 2022. Winthrop University.
    3. “‘Wise Up, Old Hags! Th’ Weak One Is a Valuable Possession to Us’: The Economics of Artificial Scarcity and R. Crumb’s Bible of Filth.” Conference Presentation at the Louisville Conference on Literature and Culture since 1900, 2022. Louisville, KY.  
  • Todd Lekan’s book William James and the Moral Life is available from Routledge Press: Recently, Todd’s article “Pragmatist moral philosophy and moral life: embracing the tensions” was published in the volume The Jamesian Mind (Routledge Press, 2021).
  • Peter Seipel has a paper accepted for publication at Erkenntnis, "Save (a small proportion of) the Children."
  • Lauren Thomas was awarded a BTC Rolling Grant through the Center for Integrative & Experiential Learning this semester. This funding is being used to purchase motion-sensor cameras to assess visitor demographics and types of physical activity behaviors occurring at the Lindsay Pettus Greenway in Lancaster, SC.  Students taking HPEB 300 will be trained in how to utilize a direct observation instrument called SOPARNA, which assesses use of outdoor recreation settings. Results will be shared with the community leaders.


Fall 2021

  • Shemsi Alhaddad presented on contemporary data visualization in a talk titled “Using Embroidery to Visualize the Weather and More!” at MathFest, the Math Association of America’s annual meeting on August 6, 2021.
  • Li Cai has been nominated for the STAR program. The STAR program is "geared towards senior faculty researchers who are interested in learning about applying for and running an interdisciplinary, federally funded research center.
  • Presented at the USC Oktoberbest - a teaching symposium. His presentation was “apply student research to a wider audience - teaching.”
  • Jill Castiglia has written a CHEM 101 lab manual which, in addition to being used on our campus, is being adopted by USC Sumter.  
  • Walter Collins was recently accepted into cohort #4 of the Branch Campus Leadership Institute (BCLI) of the National Association of Branch Campus Administrators. From the organization: “The Leadership program provided through the BCLI is a seven-month program conducted via Zoom that culminates with a capstone presentation given at the National Association of Branch Campus Administrators (NABCA) annual conference in May 2022. The capstone project brings to bear the analytic abilities, professional understanding, and contextual knowledge accrued and sharpened throughout the program and closely mirrors the challenges found in modern-day higher education.”
  • Stephen Criswell received a grant from the SC Arts Commission’s Folklife and Traditional Arts Program for a project involving Alex Osborn photographing Catawba artists who have been in our art residency programs.  He has also been appointed to the Lancaster County Accommodations Tax Advisory Committee as the Cultural Community representative.
  • Elizabeth Easely and Sarah Sellhorst used an RPS grant to spend the summer writing a lab manual for BIOL 243 lab that incorporates undergraduate research concepts and experiences into the lab.  They have debuted the lab manual in classes this fall, and it has been a great success. They are currently in the process of writing the BIOL 244 Lab manual and hope to implement it in the Spring.  
  • Fran Gardner is the new SC chapter president of the National Association of Women Artists. She has work being exhibited with NAWA shows. She has one piece titled “Practicing the Runes” in a virtual show titled “Layering” that features collage artists. She also has a piece titled “Signs and Riddles” in the 132nd National Members exhibition at One Art Space in Tribecca and will be featured in their quarterly magazine due out in October. 
  • Lisa Hammond published “Faithful.” Twelve Mile Review 1.1 (Spring/Summer 2021): 28.
  • Claudia Heinemann Priest did a presentation on Environmental Racism for the Arras Foundation DEIA internship program on July 14, 2021. Clauida also presented a Lunch and Learn presentation on June 17th about  what happened to the SE Native Languages since first contact.
  • Kate Holland published an article:  Holland, A.K., Rosa, A., & Reynolds, J.E.  (2021).  Neurophysiological evidence for stress-related reductions in right frontal regulatory control in trait aggressive, violent prone men.  International Journal of Neuropsychology and Behavioural Sciences, 2(2), 33-36.
  • Patrick Lawrence published an essay, “Transnational Sexualities,” in Asian American Literature in Transition 1965-1996 (Cambridge UP). Pat’s monograph Obscene Gestures is now available for pre-order from Fordham University Press.
  • Todd Lekan’s book manuscript, William James and the Moral Life: Responsible Self-Fashioning, has been accepted for publication with Routledge Press. The book will be released in 2022.
  • Has been invited to speak at an international seminar entitled: Beyond the Inclusive School: The New Educational Paradigm of the 21st Century at the University della Basilicata Aula Magna in Potenza, Italy December 10-11. The title of his paper is “A Pragmatist Philosophy of Disability and Its Relevance for Transformative Education.”
  • McKenzie Lemhouse has joined the editorial board of South Carolina Libraries as the Book Reviews Editor. South Carolina Libraries is the official journal of the South Carolina Library Association. This is a refereed open access journal, published biannually (Fall and Spring). 
  • Allan Pangburn is 1 of 10 participants that have been accepted to participate in AECT 2021 Early Career Symposium through the Research and Theory Division.  This Symposium is designed to help faculty get prepared for research intensive positions.
  • Leigh Pate presented a poster in Washington D.C. at the National League for Nursing's Summit entitled Innovation in Education: Virtual Simulation to the Rescue!
  • Presented "Teen Pregnancy in South Carolina: Changing the Future Now" at Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing's Biennial Convention, November 6-10.  Ann Scott and Joan Creed (from U of SC College of Nursing) are also contributors to this presentation.

Co - Authored the following conference proceeding

  • Impact of Porosity Type on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties in Selectively Laser Melted IN718 Lattice Structures in 2021 Annual International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium (SFF Symp, Sep 2021)
  • Microstructural and Mechanical Characterization of Laser Powder Bed Fusion of IN718 Overhangs in 2021 Annual International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium (SFF Symp, Sep 2021)
  • Brittany Taylor-Driggers’ Looking Glass was selected for an online exhibit and publication in “Book of Art: Children.” This is an international juried exhibit with over 400 artists and 1500 works submitted. 
