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My Honors College

BARSC Admission

Are you thinking that the BARSC degree might be for you?  Here are the steps you should take if you’re considering the most selective degree at the university that is specifically tailored to your interests, academic needs and career goals.

Speak with Your Advisor

If you and your Honors advisor decide the BARSC degree might be for you, you will then meet with the associate dean of the Honors College.  This should happen at some point during your first three semesters in the college – the earlier, the better!

Submit the BARSC Application

Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis, and can be submitted using the form below. However, if you want your major changed to BARSC and to meet with the BARSC coordinator, please note the following deadlines:

  • Spring admission: Submit by December 15
  • Fall admission: Submit by July 15

Admission to the BARSC Major

Once your application has been approved by the dean, you'll transfer to the BARSC degree program officially, with the BARSC coordinator serving as your Honors College and major advisor. You should meet with the BARSC coordinator prior to formal advising to determine next steps, including:

  • Establishing your BARSC Committee
    • This committee includes (1) the BARSC coordinator; and (2) two to three faculty members you invite. The two faculty members represent the disciplines to be pursued through your BARSC program.
  • Outlining your Program of Study

Your BARSC committee meets with you to determine your specific program of study, which includes a list of courses that will allow you to successfully meet your academic and professional goals in your BARSC application statement of purpose.  In preparation for this meeting, you will share your statement of purpose with your BARSC committee and review prior course credits to determine how they may apply within the new major.

BARSC Application

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
