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School of Medicine Columbia

Tangible Symbols and Concrete Communication Modalities for Learners with Visual Impairment and Complex Communication Needs

Type: Recorded Webinar
Location: Webinar with Transcript
Cost: Free. (Registration is required.)


Participants must register to receive the webinar link.

About the Program

This session will provide an overview of symbolic communication development, and unique considerations for developing multi-modal communication systems (alternative and augmentative communication [AAC]) for learners with visual impairments and complex communication needs. The emphasis will be on considerations for selecting, designing, and implementing student-centered communication systems for a diverse group of learners.

Objectives. Participants will increase their knowledge and skills in:

  • understanding the development of symbolism and iconicity, and unique considerations for learners with visual impairments and complex communication needs
  • using specialized concrete communication systems to expand receptive and expressive language and communication
  • unique design considerations for tactile and visual learners in the development of concrete communication modalities.

About the Presenter

Portrait of Chris Russell

Chris Russell

Chris Russell is the Project Coordinator for the New York Deaf-Blind Collaborative, and has experience as a classroom teacher and Teacher of the Visually Impaired (TVI) working with children who have visual impairments and additional disabilities including deaf-blindness.  He also serves as co-instructor for Perkins E-Learning’s online course, Cortical Visual Impairment, and is adjunct faculty at Hunter College, CUNY, in the graduate programs for Blindness/Visual Impairment, and Childhood Special Education: Severe/Multiple Disabilities.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
