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Arnold School of Public Health

CPARG has been joined this fall by visiting professor, Dr. Veronica Violant Holz

veronica HolzCPARG has been joined this fall by visiting professor, Dr. Veronica Violant Holz, who has her PhD in Psychology and graduated in Clinical Psychology from Comillas Pontificia University in Madrid, Spain.

She has been developing her career as a professor and researcher for more than 27 years in the fields of Creativity and Health in Hospital Pedagogy. Since 2013, she has been an associate/tenured Professor at the University of Barcelona in pedagogical, social education and teaching degrees in subjects, such as Infancy and Health. 

Currently she is the principal researcher of the consolidated research group Hospital Pedagogy in Neonatology and Pediatrics and the coordinator of the new project from Octaedro editorial: Educate, growing in health. Previously, she was a coordinator of the Teaching Innovation for the Development of Professional Competences in the Field of Health and Education, a member of the consolidated research group by the "Generalitat de Catalunya", a member of the Teaching Innovation Network by the Universidad de Valencia, and she was also the coordinator of the UNITWIN Network of Hospital Pedagogy. 

She has authored several publications about care during childhood and adolescence in illness conditions with over 40 books and chapters of books and over 28 indexed articles. In addition, she has developed a collection of five books about Hospital Pedagogy published by Editorial Aljibe in Spain. She received the Diamond award in Research, from the Worldwide Awards in Science Eureka in 2012.










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