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Arnold School of Public Health

Maggie O'Leary

Learn About Our Ambassadors

Involvement on Campus: Honors College, NFSP Student Assistant, Cross Country Club, St. Thomas More Catholic Student Center

Why you chose to pursue your degree within the ASPH: I chose to pursue public health because I always had a passion for helping others.  I loved learning about health and I wanted to have a career where I could help others by providing resources and showing them ways to live healthy lives.  I am specifically interested in environmental health because I find the connection between humans and our environment incredibly interesting, and it's a connection that is becoming increasingly important.  I hope to work toward a future that shows improvements in both human and environmental health.

Advice for future students: As cheesy as it sounds, hold on to your days in college as long as you can.  Make the most out of every second because it truly goes by in the blink of an eye.  Don't be afraid to talk to other people in your classes because that's how I met most of my closest friends.  It's also good to get involved, but don't fill up your plate too much.  College is stressful and a big adjustment so it's ok if you aren't in a lot of clubs.  It's easy to feel like you're falling behind when you look at how involved other people are, but I assure you that having a strong foundation in a few clubs is far better than feeling pulled thin in too many clubs.  Listen to yourself and follow what you want to do, not what everyone else is doing.  Imposter syndrome is very real so just know that while you think some people may have their life together, they are almost always struggling with the same things you are.  

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
