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Research and Grant Development Services

Program Details

Moore Inventor Fellows Program

Sponsor: Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
Internal Deadline: 12/14/2018
Institutional Submission Limit: 2
Sponsor Deadline: 02/11/2019
Program Website

The Office of the Vice President for Research and the Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations are pleased to coordinate an internal call for proposals for the Moore Inventor Fellows Program. Please see below for information about this program. The Fellows program is looking for potentially transformative inventions in the fields of scientific research, environmental conservation, and patient care. The program is open to faculty of any rank, including research faculty and post-docs; however, eligible applicants must be within 10 years of their terminal degree.

The Moore Inventor Fellow programs aims to support inventions at an early stage that could lead to proof-of-concept work on an invention or advance an existing prototype that tackles an important problem. They are not interested in supporting projects that already are at a stage where significant venture capital is available. They are looking for creative and innovative individuals across a broad array of academic programs, including environmental science and conservation, oceanography, biology, engineering, chemistry, materials science, neuroscience, public health, and gerontology.

To be considered in the internal competition, please submit the following to Beth Herron at by 5 pm on Friday, December 14 as a single PDF file:
• Statement of invention describing idea, importance, stage of invention, current funding, feasibility, potential impact in the area of science, environmental conservation, or patient care and experience. This should be no more than two pages, including citations (single spaced, 12 point font, and one inch margins).
• One page budget narrative that states how the funds will be used (each fellow receives $200,000 per year from the foundation; each fellow must devote 25% of his or her time to their invention). Indirect costs are not allowed but the foundation provides an additional $25,000 a year for administrative costs to the institution.
• A two page CV which highlights educational and professional background, along with any other background information relevant to the stated invention.

The deadline for institutional nominations to the Moore Inventor Fellows Program is February 11, 2019, with full application packages due March 4, 2019.

Research and Grant Development Services

    Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
