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Research and Grant Development Services

Program Details


Sponsor: SCRA
Internal Deadline: 07/20/2020
Institutional Submission Limit: 2
Sponsor Deadline: 09/15/2020
Program Website


SCRA is requesting applications from multi-institutional, collaborative teams that will provide measurable outcomes within the scope of this Funding Opportunity.

Proposals must advance commercially relevant research, develop state-wide research infrastructure, or acquire equipment that will be used by multiple RUs, Comprehensive Teaching Universities (CTUs), and Technical Colleges (TCs) (collectively Constituent Institutions) and be made available on a state-wide basis.

Proposals must establish how the funding aligns with the Research Topic(s) outlined in Table 1 and will lead to obtaining follow-on funding from sources such as industry and the federal government to continue development.

Priority will be given to applications that also engage one or more South Carolina-based industry partners to address key business challenges and opportunities.

For applications engaging with an industry partner, applicants must provide an accompanying Letter of Support verifying the unmet need or a Letter of Commitment if the industry partner is providing cost share. Cost share from an industry partner may be cash or in-kind contributions.

USC is limited to submitting two pre-applications to this competition.

For consideration in our internal competition, please complete the pre-application form at and return to Beth Herron at by Monday, July 20 at 5 pm .

Pre-applications will be due to SCRA by September 15, 2020.

Please see the informational flyer at for more information; there also will be an informational webinar on June 30.

NOTE: The registration link is both on the website and in the informational flyer.

For still more information, see:

Research and Grant Development Services

    Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
