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Research and Grant Development Services

Program Details

HHS: Development and Maintenance of Human and Animal Food Rapid Response Teams (U2F) Clinical Trials Not Allowed RFA-FD-23-019

Sponsor: HHS
Internal Deadline: 02/17/2023
Institutional Submission Limit: 1
Sponsor Deadline: 04/14/2023
Program Website

HHS: Development and Maintenance of Human and Animal Food Rapid Response Teams (U2F) Clinical Trials Not Allowed RFA-FD-23-019

This funding opportunity announcement (FOA) provides support o develop and maintain Rapid Response Teams (RRTs) to facilitate long-term improvements and innovation to the national integrated food safety system by unifying and coordinating federal/state/local human and animal food (HAF) emergency response efforts including:

1) Strengthening the link among epidemiology, lab and environmental health/regulatory components;

2) Improving States' regulatory and surveillance HAF protection programs to include using Incident Command System (ICS)/National Incident Management System (NIMS) principles and a Unified Command structure to conduct integrated responses to all-hazards HAF emergencies, rapidly identifying and removing tainted food from commerce, and conducting root cause investigations to inform future prevention efforts; and

3) Addressing supporting components, such as training, data sharing, data analysis, communications, continuous process improvement, and development of best practices and other resources to support national response capacity/capability development.

USC may submit only one application in response to this solicitation.

Your application submission MUST be coordinated with the Office of the Vice President for Research. Please send an updated NIH formatted biosketch ( and a two page abstract via email to Richard White ( by February 17, 2023.

HHS indicates that a letter of intent IS NOT REQUIRED and a full application is due by April 14, 2023.

For more information:

Research and Grant Development Services

    Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
