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Office of Undergraduate Admissions

College of Nursing Majors

Carolina Core is the University of South Carolina's general education requirements for every degree program. The table below lists the Carolina Core requirements that must be fulfilled for this major. Each requirement is followed by the USC courses that fulfill the requirement, as well as the technical college courses that you may have taken that are considered equivalent to the USC course, and therefore also fulfill the Carolina Core requirement.

This list does not include every technical college course that is available for transfer to USC. You are not required to take all courses listed prior to transferring. Rather, it is a guide for you and your advisors.* 

To be considered for admission into pre-nursing lower division of the BSN in Nursing generic (pre-licensure) program, transfer students must have a minimum 3.000 overall GPA in their college level coursework. In addition, any below C grades in nursing or science courses will eliminate you from consideration.

The College of Nursing has continued to see an increase in applications for the lower division. Due to this unprecedented demand and space limitations, the University will not be able to admit all students who meet the minimum 3.0 GPA requirement for their intended term.

Carolina Core Requirement USC Course(s) Technical College Course Equivalent(s)
Writing (CMW) (6 hours)
Effective, Engaged and Persuasive Communications
ENGL 101 and 102

ENG 101 and 102
Analytical Reasoning and Problem Solving (ARP) (6-7 hours) 
  • CSCE 101
  • STAT 201
  • CPT 101
  • MAT 120
Scientific Literacy (SCI) (16 hours)    CHEM 102 CHM 105
BIOL 243/243L BIO 210
BIOL 244/244L BIO 211
BIOL 250/250L BIO 225
Historical Thinking (GHS) (3 hours)
Global Citizenship and Multicultural Understanding
HIST 101–109, 111, 112 HIST 101, 102, 201, 202
Social Sciences (GSS) (6 hours)
Global Citizenship and Multicultural Understanding

  • PSYC 101 
  • SOCY 101 

  • PSY 201 
  • SOC 101 
Foreign Language (GFL)
Global Citizenship and Multicultural Understanding
*Demonstrate proficiency in a foreign language by achieving a score of 2 or higher on the foreign Language Placement Test or by completing one foreign language through 110 or 121. Two courses in the same Foreign Language selected from:
  • FRE 101, 102 (equivalent to FREN 109, 110)
  • GER 101, 102 (equivalent to GERM 109, 110)
  • SPA 101, 102 (equivalent to SPAN 109, 110)
Fine Arts (AIU) (3 hours)
Aesthetic and Interpretive Understanding
Required fine arts course One course from:
  • ART 101, 105, 107, 108
  • MUS 105
  • THE 101, 105
Spoken Component (CMS) (3 hours)
Effective, Engaged, and Persuasive Communication
SPCH 140 SPC 205
Information Literacy (INF) (0-3 hours OVERLAY) ENGL 102 or any course approved to the meet the Carolina Core INF competency ENG 102
Values, Ethics, and Social Responsibility (VSR) (0-3 hours STAND ALONE) POLI 201 or PHIL 211  PSC 201, PHI 110 or PHI 115 

*Technical College students must meet all requirements for admission to USC and must be accepted through the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. Consult the University Bulletin for specific entrance requirements. Nothing in the foregoing supersedes any University, college, departmental, or programmatic regulation or policy.

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