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Organizational Excellence

Process Improvement Foundations

This interactive workshop delivers practical tips and tools for process improvement. Participants use their learnings immediately in session conversations with colleagues.

About the Workshop

Led by improvement practitioners from the Office of Organizational Excellence, Process Improvement Foundations provides ideas and tools for uncovering inefficiencies, streamlining processes, simplifying work, and delivering the best to customers. 

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Participants learn how to “make visible” all the key components of a process. This is foundational to process improvement. 
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They learn what to look for when studying a process for improvement opportunities, using a tool that is tailored for the higher-ed workplace. 
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They learn about proven (but rarely used) approaches to improvement.
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As the workshop unfolds, participants talk through and plan out how to put these learnings to work. This practical application is key to turning ideas into action.
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• The typical session is 90 minutes. 
• Participants are from the same department, division, college, school.
• An in-person format is preferred to ensure more interaction.


Organizational Excellence

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
