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Research and Grant Development Services

Program Details

Mathers Foundation Research Funding

Sponsor: Mathers Foundation
Internal Deadline: 07/25/2024
Institutional Submission Limit: 3
Sponsor Deadline: 10/04/2024
Program Website

This foundation funds ‘basic science, ideally with potential translational applications.’ Examples of current research support include immunology, microbiome, genomics, structural biology, cellular physiology, cancer biology, genetics, genomics, microbiology and infectious diseases, stem cell biology, and neuroscience.
It does not fund the following: COVID-19-related research, plant biology research, oceanography, space exploration, global warming-related research, medical imaging technology related projects, electrical engineering technology development projects, research conducted in human subjects, clinical trials, drug discovery, and pre-clinical drug development.
Grant duration must be three years, and grant budgets should be no more than $600-700K (including indirect expenses, which are capped at 10%) over three years. To learn more about the Foundation and funding program:

Universities are limited to three applications per cycle.

Important Dates:
•    Internal LOIs due: Thursday, July 25 by 5pm
•    Internal applicants notified of status: NLT Friday, September 6
•    Nominations and Portal Registration due: September 20, 2024 (Friday, 8 PM EST)
•    LOI due date: October 4, 2024 (Friday, 8 PM EST)
•    Applicants notified of proposal invitation or LOI rejection within a month of the due date.
•    Due date for invited proposals: December 6, 2024 (Friday, 8 PM EST)
•    Applicants are notified of proposal approval or rejection within 75 days of the due date.

Submission Process

Limited submissions MUST be coordinated with the Office of the Vice President for Research.

If interested in applying for this opportunity, please submit the following as a single PDF to Julie Morris at by 5pm on Thursday, July 25th.
   •    A 1-2 page project summary* addressing the importance/significance of the work with a brief outline of project aims. *must be written in language appropriate for non-experts/lay audience. Please include at top the project title, PI, and list of key collaborators
   •    A 2-3 page CV/biosketch for the PI


Research and Grant Development Services

    Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
