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Research and Grant Development Services

Program Details

Claude D. Pepper Older Americans Independence Centers (P30 Clinical Trial Optional) RFA-AG-25-020

Sponsor: NIH
Internal Deadline: 08/02/2024
Institutional Submission Limit: 1
Sponsor Deadline: 10/11/2024
Program Website

The goal of the OAIC program is to establish centers of excellence in geriatrics research and research education to increase scientific knowledge leading to better ways to maintain or restore independence in older persons. OAIC awards are designed to develop or strengthen programs that focus on, and sustain progress in, a key area of aging research related to the mission of the OAIC program. Applicants should identify an area of focus in which progress could contribute to greater independence for substantial populations of older persons and offer opportunities for education in aging research. This area of focus should be a common theme around which all proposed OAIC activities are organized. An OAIC must consist of four required components and up to three optional components (see NOFO for details).


Submission Process

Limited submissions MUST be coordinated with the Office of the Vice President for Research.

If interested in applying for this opportunity, please combine the following items into a single PDF and email to by 5pm on the INTERNAL DEADLINE above:

  • Cover page with grant program name & number (if applicable) to which you are applying, your project title, PI (name, department/unit, & email), and list of co-PIs/key collaborators (name & department/unit)
  • a two-page project abstract addressing key components/criteria for this specific grant program
  • a 2-3 page CV/biosketch for the PI (SCiENcv preferred)

Research and Grant Development Services

    Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
