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Research and Grant Development Services

Program Details

NSF EPSCoR Graduate Fellowship Program (EGFP) NSF 24-588

Sponsor: NSF
Internal Deadline: 08/07/2024
Institutional Submission Limit: 1
Sponsor Deadline: 10/02/2024
Program Website

EGFP is a new three-year pilot program designed to enhance the STEM research capacity and competitiveness of EPSCoR jurisdictions by providing funding to recruit NSF EPSCoR Graduate Fellows who received Honorable Mention from the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) no more than three years prior to the proposal due date. Awards will provide three years of stipend and associated cost-of-education allowance for each NSF EPSCoR Graduate Fellow.

EGFP awards are made to institutions to support graduate students in specific fields of study. Institutions that receive funding through this program will be eligible to recruit and support meritorious GRFP Honorable Mentions to attend their institutions and pursue a graduate degree. Support from the EGFP program is only available for those fields specified by the NSF Directorates and Office participating in the EGFP. Students must be recruited for and pursue degrees in the field(s) addressed in each EGFP proposal.

Please pay special attention to the solicitation regarding 1) the NSF Directorates and Office participating, 2) the specific STEM Topics and Areas eligible for consideration, and 3) the bullet points highlighted under Project Description.

In addition to the standard NSF Intellectual Merit and Broader Impacts Criteria, the following will be of particular importance:

  • The capacity and exemplary characteristics of existing graduate education and research programs in the discipline(s) relevant to the proposed project at the proposing institution.

  • The effectiveness of graduate education and mentoring programs in the relevant discipline(s) at the proposing institution in retaining students to degree completion and preparing them for success in their future careers.

  • The extent to which the proposed project will enhance the capacity for research and/or contribute to innovation in the EPSCoR jurisdiction.



Submission Process

Limited submissions MUST be coordinated with the Office of the Vice President for Research.

If interested in applying for this opportunity, please combine the following items into a single PDF and email to by 5pm on the INTERNAL DEADLINE above:

  • Cover page with
    • grant program name & number,
    • the target NSF Directorate(s) or Office and the associated topic that is the focus of the proposal,
    • the anticipated number of graduate students that will be requested/supported,
    • your project title,
    • PI (name, department/unit, & email), and
    • list of co-PIs/key collaborators (name & department/unit)
  • a two-page project abstract addressing key components/criteria for this specific grant program, particularly those highlighted under Project Description in the program solicitation.
  • Appendix:
    • Table or summary indicating past record of applications and awards to the NSF GRF program
    • a 2-3 page CV/biosketch for the PI (SCiENcv preferred)
    • Optional - if your program has a graduate student mentoring plan, this can be included as an appendix (this is a Supplementary Document that will be required for the full proposal)


Research and Grant Development Services

    Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
