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Research and Grant Development Services

Program Details

EPSCoR Rapid Response Research (R3) Program

Sponsor: NASA EPSCoR
Internal Deadline: 11/26/2024
Institutional Submission Limit: 3
Sponsor Deadline: 02/26/2025
Program Website

This program seeks proposals that are expected to establish research activities that will make significant contributions to NASA’s strategic research and technology development priorities and contribute to the overall research infrastructure, science, and technology capabilities of higher education, as well as the economic development of the jurisdiction receiving funding. Each funded NASA EPSCoR proposer shall work closely with a NASA researcher to focus on developing competitive research and technology for the solution of scientific and technical issues of importance to the NASA Mission Directorates and Centers as listed in the Appendix-A, NASA Mission Directorates and Center Alignment. This will allow EPSCoR researchers to work alongside NASA and commercial partners and is intended to strengthen the bonds among NASA EPSCoR jurisdictions, NASA, commercial partners, and other entities.

The maximum funding request per proposal is $125,000. This amount is to be expended over a one-year period.
NASA is hosting a pre-proposal webinar on Dec. 6, 2pm.  Link to be posted to NSPIRES.

Each institution is permitted 3 proposals.
(for FY2025, proposals are not limited by state; proposals will not go through the SC NASA EPSCoR office and there will not be a state-wide competition)  


Submission Process

Limited submissions MUST be coordinated with the Office of the Vice President for Research.

If interested in applying for this opportunity, please combine the following items into a single PDF and email to by 5pm on the INTERNAL DEADLINE above:

NOTE: only 1 application permitted per PI

  • Cover page with:
    • grant program name
    • Proposed Project Title, which must begin with the Research Identifier (Ex. C-0002, Research Area Focus/Research Identifier as listed in the NOFO)
    • PI name, department/unit
    • Name of the NASA Mission Directorate and the NASA Center(s) that best aligns with your proposed research topic.
  • a one-page project abstract addressing key components/criteria for this specific grant program
  • a 2-3 page CV/biosketch for the PI (SCiENcv)

Research and Grant Development Services

    Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
