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Undergraduate Research

Applicant Information Form

Magellan Scholar Program Compliance, Research Integrity, and Authorship Agreement

By completing and submitting the form below, applicants confirm their compliance throughout the submission and project period with the following:

Violations of these codes may result in an immediate decline or withdrawal of funding and referral to the appropriate office for disciplinary measures.

Application Form

Application Deadline:
Student (1) Information

Student Name:
(please note that title will be used in emails to both student and mentor)
Find your USC ID (letter+8 digits) by logging into the Forgot IDs module.
Hometown, State or Country: For state, enter 2-letter abbreviation
State (abbreviate) OR Country (for non-US)
If awarded, may we share your name, academic, and project information for advertising/marketing purposes?
Academic Year:
Anticipated Graduation Month/Year:
SC Honors:
TRIO/Opportunity Scholar:
Have you received any funding for your research 1:

1  Does not include salary support from your mentor or work-study. This is for informational purposes only and will not affect the funding decision. Ex. SCHC research fellowship, McNAIR Junior Fellows , etc. NOTE: You can NOT get paid twice from two different sources. If you have multiple awards, arrangements for disbursement must be made ahead of time (for example, you could get paid through the SCHC and get materials/supplies and travel with the Magellan).
Mentor Information

Mentor Name 1:
How long have you been working with this mentor?
Mentor Name 2:
How long have you been working with this mentor?
Project Information

Anticipated Project End:
(please enter whole numbers only)
Will you be using vertebrate animals in any part of this research project?
Will people as participants or personal data be part of this research project (including interviews or surveys)?
Is this a community-based research project? (Check with your mentor and learn more)
Will you be traveling outside of the US to conduct or participate in any part of this project?
NOTE: For travel abroad, you must complete all forms and requirements by the Magellan Scholar deadline or lose funding. Research Abroad Tips [pdf].
If multiple countries, separate with hypen.
Have you submitted before (yes, even if different project or mentor)?

Your proposal and budget must be submitted through USCeRA by your faculty mentor. It is NOT complete until your mentor receives a proposal number and it has been approved by the chair and dean!!!!   USCeRA Submission Guide [pdf].

By submitting this document, the student and faculty mentor assume responsibility for the project activities outlined in the proposal and agree to the program terms and conditions. Both parties have read and understand the current guide-lines regarding expenditures related to this proposed work. All projects are subject to the USC Intellectual Property Policy [pdf].



Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
