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Department of English Language and Literature


Craig Hawley

Title: Graduate Student
PhD Student, Graduate Teaching Assistant
Department: English Language & Literature
College of Arts and Sciences
Craig Hawley


MA in English (Western Carolina University); BA  in English (University of South Carolina)

Composition, Rhetoric, and Oratory

Craig Hawley is a new PhD Student in the English Department, with a focus on Rhetoric and Composition, and a special interest in the rhetorical elements of oratory and music. He received his MA Degree as a Teaching Assistant at Western Carolina University, during which time he also presented two papers: “Special Delivery: How Oratory Benefits from Music,” for the Philological Association of the Carolinas, and “Fake News, Social Media, and Charities: How Propaganda Suppresses Productive Publics and Counterpublics,” for the Carolinas Rhetoric Conference. Since receiving his MA, Craig has been teaching at Montreat College, and the University of North Carolina at Asheville. He also worked as an AmeriCorps VISTA volunteer for the University of South Carolina, and is excited for the opportunity to teach and learn at U of SC.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
