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  • Group of student cadets dressed for a run


Take your first steps in a career with the Air Force by joining AFROTC Detachment 775 at the University of South Carolina

How to Join

AFROTC is normally a 4-year program, but in some cases, you can complete the program in 3 years.  At a minimum, you must have 6 semesters remaining in your academic program to join AFROTC.

Air Force ROTC New Student Orientation Program (NSOP)

All new cadets are required to attend orientation to join the program.

Fall 2024 orientation will be held on 19 August from 0930-1230 in the ROTC Center, located at 513 Pickens St., Columbia, SC 29208.

Register for NSOP here.

What to do before orientation:

What to bring to orientation:

  • Original Birth Certificate
  • Original Social Security Card
  • Completed AFROTC Form 28 Sports Physical (not needed if you have a qualified DODMERB)
  • Print out of Degree Works from Self Service Carolina
  • Print out SAT/ACT scores (from or
  • Prior College transcript (if applicable)
  • Copy of JROTC/CAP/Scout certification (if applicable)
  • Selective service number (males over 18 only
  • DD4 enlistment contract (for current and prior service members)
  • DD214 (for discharged service member)

Transient/Crosstown Students:

  • Enroll as a non-degree seeking student at USC
  • Complete the transient form, have your advisor from your host school sign the bottom and send to undergraduate admissions.
  • College freshmen, through Self-Service Carolina (SSC), will register for the AFROTC academic course called AERO 101: The Foundations of the Air Force. Additionally, you will register for the Leadership Laboratory course called AERO 101L: Initial Military Training Cadet Leadership Laboratory.
  • College sophomores will register for two AFROTC academic courses called AERO 101 and AERO 201: The Evolution of the Air Force. Additionally, sophomores will enroll in the Leadership Laboratory called AERO 201L: Initial Field Training Preparation Cadet Leadership Laboratory.

Our crosstown program allows students from the following schools to participate in the AFROTC program at the University of South Carolina:

  • Allen University
  • Benedict College
  • Claflin University
  • Columbia College
  • Midlands Tech
  • South Carolina State University

To join our program, crosstown students must follow the below process:

1. Submit the online undergraduate non-degree application

  • a. Application link:

  •  b. Application fee: $25 per semester

  •  c. Tuition Cost: $17 per credit hour

  •  d. In the “Program” section of the application students should select “ROTC Cross Campus.”

  •  e. Students will also request the “Crosstown Enrollment Memo” from the Air Force ROTC staff. Once signed, students will email the form to Bursar’s Office: to receive a tuition reduction. Memos will be submitted per semester to continue to receive tuition reduction.

2. Application Review 

  • a. Once the Office of Undergraduate Admissions receives the application, students will be notified via email that they will need to submit a Transient Permission Form from their home institution and a ROTC Cadet MOA from the ROTC program. Students will receive the Transient Permission form from their home institution and the ROTC Cadet MOA from Air Force ROTC.

3. Acceptance: 

  • a. Students who are offered admission will be notified via email. They will be able to access their acceptance letter and the “Next Steps” document in their application portal.

4. The “Next Steps for Admitted Students” document will instruct the student to: 

  • a. Set up their self-service Carolina account. 
  • b. Set up their USC student email account. 
  • c. Submit citizenship verification and immunization forms. 
  • i. If this is not completed, you will not be able to register. 
  • d. Register for the appropriate freshman or sophomore courses. AERO 101 and AERO 101L for freshmen. AERO 101, AERO 201, and AERO 201L for sophomores.  
  • e. Obtain a CarolinaCard (Student ID Card) in the basement of the Russell House Building. 
  • i. You will not be able to access the ROTC building or the Blatt Gym for PT without this card. 
  • ii. Report your VIP ID Number from your USC student account to Ms. Julie LaBorde ( to gain building access. 

Program Requirements

  • All cadets must be enrolled as a full-time student at the main UofSC campus, satellite UofSC campus, or approved crosstown school (Claflin University, Benedict College, Columbia College, and South Carolina State University). 
  • To remain in the program, cadets must maintain a minimum 2.0 grade point average (GPA). However, cadets on scholarship must maintain at least a 2.5 GPA to retain the scholarship.  
  • We strive to push our cadets to achieve a 3.5 GPA or higher. Due to our efforts, Detachment 775 has consecutively ranked #1 in GPA for the AFROTC Southeast Region. A higher GPA will make you more competitive for scholarships, professional development opportunities, Field Training selection, and eventually jobs in the Air and Space Forces.  
  • All cadets must be physically prepared for the rigors of Air Force ROTC and their careers in the military. As a result, all cadets must undergo a medical examination by a military doctor or designated civilian contractor. The medical examination will be scheduled and reviewed by the Department of Defense Medical Examination Review Board (DoDMERB)
  • Students competing for the High School Scholarship Program will be automatically forwarded from DoDMERB to the Air Education and Training Commander Surgeon General for consideration.
  • Non-High School Scholarship cadets will begin the medical examination process once enrolled in the AFROTC program at UofSC. Cadre will initiate this process for you.
  • Each semester cadets will perform the Air Force Physical Fitness Assessment, which includes a 1.5-mile run, pushups, sit-ups, and a waist measurement.  
  • Non-scholarship and non-contracted cadets can initially participate in the program if physical fitness standards are not met. However, cadets must meet physical fitness standards to be competed and selected for scholarships. Additionally, physical fitness standards must be met before cadets are selected for Field Training, which occurs the summer before your junior year. It is imperative that cadets take physical fitness seriously. At a minimum, cadets will attend two mandatory Physical Training (PT) sessions per week 
  • Scholarship and contracted cadets must meet Air Force ROTC weight and fitness standards each semester. Failure to meet standards may result in loss of scholarship and/or elimination from the program.  

More Information


Frequently Asked Questions

Air Force ROTC does have scholarships available and we will submit eligible and deserving cadets for those scholarships. All cadets who receive an enrollment allocation (EA) and successfully complete field training, will be offered a 2-year CMLA scholarship. 43% of our cadets are currently on a Air Force awarded scholarship. 

Cadets will not be required to deploy during their time in the Air Force ROTC program. However, after graduation and commissioning into the Air Force that is a possibility.

Cadets are not required to sign a contract until returning from Field Training, unless they accept a scholarship prior to attending Field Training.

Yes, cadets are required to complete all necessary documentation prior to being issued military uniforms. 

AS100's are freshman equivalent. If you are a freshman in college, you will join AFROTC as an AS100. AS250s are sophomore equivalent. Although you can join the program as an AS250 (if approved by Det/CC) we highly suggest joining as an AS100 (even if you are a sophomore in college) so that you can learn the program and become more competitive for boards and scholarships. This also gives you more time to satisfy participation requirements.




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