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Office of Undergraduate Admissions

  • Biking on campus

4 of the Best Spots to Bike on Campus

The University of South Carolina recently won the Silver Bicycle Friendly University Award from the League of American Bicyclists, recognizing its efforts to make campus a safe and inviting area for biking!

Only 33 institutions in the United States have been awarded this distinction, and USC is the only school in South Carolina to have ever earned it! How cool is that? As an avid biker, here are some of my favorite places to bike on campus.

1. The Horseshoe

What’s better than cruising around in the heart of campus? This one is a no-brainer. The Horseshoe is easily the most scenic and historic spot on campus. Not only are all the original campus buildings beautiful, but it’s also fun watching other Gamecocks hang out on the grass.

2. Greene Street

Running through the center of campus, Greene Street is another great place to bike. It’s one of the quickest ways to get from one side of campus to the other! Plus, you’ll inevitably pass by some great campus events, such as the weekly Healthy Carolina Farmers Market.

3. Sumter Street

Sumter Street is for those who have a need for speed - and a good hill-climb! This hill runs from USC Athletic Village to the Longstreet Theater. Heading down the Sumter Street hill fulfills any thrill seeker’s high speed fix!

4. College Street/Main Campus

My personal favorite place to bike is College Street! This is campus’ street that leads to the beautiful Capstone Building. While this area is a little busy during the semester, it’s a fun place to cruise from one class to another. Plus, there’s lots of bike racks and covered areas along the way, perfect for locking up your bike while you’re studying.

The University of South Carolina has definitely earned the SBFU award. How awesome is it to be a student at a university that cares so much about having a sustainable, bike-friendly campus for it's community? See you cruising by in the fall!

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