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Walker Institute of International and Area Studies

  • 4 book covers including Foucarts Seminars on Antiquity, Amkoullele, The Fula Boy, and Stalins Quest for Gold

Recent Publications and Accomplishments

Last updated April 24, 2024


Jeanne Garane, Professor, French and Comparative Literature, Department of Languages, Literatures and Culture 

Translated Amadou Hampâté Bâ’s Amkoullel, the Fula Boy (Duke University Press, 2021)

Julia López-Robertson, Professor, Instruction and Teacher Education, College of Education 

Celebrating our cuentos: Choosing and using Latinx literature in elementary classrooms was published by Scholastic Professional in July 2021. 

Ashley M. Williard, Assistant Professor, French, Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures 

Engendering Islands: Sexuality, Reproduction, and Violence in the Early French Republic was published by the University of Nebraska Press in June 2021. 

Paul Allen Miller, Carolina Distinguished Professor of Classics and Comparative Literature, Department of Languages, Literatures and Culture 

Foucault’s Seminars on Antiquity: Learning to Speak the Truth was published by Bloomsbury Academic in November 2021.  


Drucilla K. Barker, Professor, Department of Anthropology and Department of Women & Gender Studies 

The second edition of Liberating Economics: Feminist Perspectives on Families, Work, and Globalization — co-written with Suzanne Bergeron and Susan F. Feiner — was published by University of Michigan Press in February 2021. 

Jorge Camacho, Professor of Spanish, Comparative Literature and Latin American Studies, Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures 

Representaciones del mal: brujos y ñáñigos en Cuba was published by the Mississippi University Press in April 2021. 

Elena Osokina, Professor, Department of History 

Stalin’s Quest for Gold was published by Cornell University Press in September 2021. 

Rebecca Janzen, Associate Professor, Spanish and Comparative Literature, Department of Languages, Literatures and Culture

Unholy Trinity: State, Church, and Film in Mexico was published by SUNY Press in September 2021. 

Read more: Languages professor pens new book on religion in Mexican film 

Daniel M. Stuart, Associate Professor, Religious Studies, Department of Religious Studies 

S.N. Goenka: Emissary of Insight was published by Penguin Random House in November 2020. 


Amanda Wangwright, Associate Professor, Asian Art History, School of Visual Art and Design 

The Golden Key: Modern Women Artists and Gender Negotiations in Republican China (1911-1949) was published by Brill in November 2020. 

Received a $10,000 grant from the Metropolitan Center for Far Eastern Art Studies, which will fund research travel in Taiwan during her spring 2022 sabbatical. 

Stanley Dubinsky, Professor, Linguistics, Department of English Language and Literature 

Language Conflict and Language Rights: Ethnolinguistic Perspectives on Human Conflict, co-written with William D. Davies, was published by Cambridge University Press in August 2018. 



Gabrielle Kuenzli, Associate Professor, Department of History

Received a 2021 Mellon/ACLS Scholars and Society Fellowship from the American Council of Learned Societies for Jockeying Into Position: Race, Ethnicity, and the Rise of the Latino Jockey in the American South, XX-XXI Centuries (Mellon/ACLS Scholars and Society 2021)


Magdalena E. Stawkowski, Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology 

Received a three-year, $893,925 grant from the Danish Council for Independent Research for a multi-sited project titled “Radioactive Ruins: Security in the Age of the Anthropocene,” in collaboration with Rens Van Munster in the Danish Institute for International Studies. 


Scholary Papers and Journals

Sanghoon Park, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Political Science

"Expanding China’s Infuence via Membership: Examining the Infuence of Chinese‑Led International Institutions on Responses to Human Rights Issues in China" was presented at the Midwest Political Science Association's annual meeting in April 2023 and published in the Journal of Chinese Political Science in April 2024.


Meredith Deboom, Assistant Professor, Department of Geography 

“African countries are helping China go green. That may have a downside for Africans” was published in the Washington Post’s Monkey Cage in March 2021

Meredith Deboom, Assistant Professor, Department of Geography 

“Climate Necropolitics: Ecological Civilization and the Distributive Geographies of Extractive Violence in the Anthropocene” was published in Annals of the American Association of Geographers in January 2021.  

Duncan Alford, Professor of Law and Associate Dean and Director of the Law Library, School of Law 

“Is a single bank supervisor inevitable throughout the EU?” was published in Global Risk Regulator in August 2021. 


Andrew Graciano, Professor, Art History, School of Visual Art and Design 

A Dutch connection: Re-identifying a sitter at the National Portrait Gallery in London” was published in Oud Holland – Journal for Art of the Low Countries in January 2018. 

Magdalena E. Stawkowski, Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology 

Received the 2017 Soyuz Article Prize recognizing an outstanding article in postsocialist studies published by a junior scholar for “‘I am a Radioactive Mutant’: Emerging Biological Subjectivities at the Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site,” published in American Ethnologist


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