UofSC offers summer camps for kids

Posted on: 5/4/2015; Updated on: 5/4/2015
By Liz McCarthy

Summertime at the University of South Carolina means there’s plenty of activities for kids in the community to visit campus and learn something new. From music to cooking and science to soccer, there’s plenty to keep Columbia’s kids occupied this summer at Carolina.


Sign up for an exciting summer music program and grow your skills. The School of Music offers numerous opportunities for all ages to learn, listen and enjoy. [more]


South Carolina camps are open to any and all entrants (limited only by number, age, grade level and/or gender). [more]


Carolina Master Scholars Adventures Series
Have serious fun this summer at Adventure Series, the university’s award-winning youth academic program.  Meet other academically talented students from across the country as you explore future careers. The Adventure Series is for academically talented rising 6th through 12th grade students and is specially designed each year to be challenging and rewarding for top students and are offered in a wide variety of subjects. [more]


Test prep
UofSC’s renowned University Test Prep program will offer again an intensive and exciting SAT/ACT test prep program in Columbia, Aiken, Sumter and Beaufort. Students will have the opportunity to sharpen their test skills in a college atmosphere.  [more]


Science and Technology Enrichment Program
Hosted by the College of Education, the Center for Science Education and Lexington School District Two, STEP offers students a hands-on, inquiry-based investigation of the world. [more]


The UofSC Drama Conservatory is a summer acting intensive on the Columbia campus of the University of South Carolina. Directed and taught by theater professor Peter Duffy and graduate theatre students, the conservatory program is dedicated to providing aspiring theatre artists with a challenging, stimulating and fun training and performance experience. [more]

Broadway at USC Musical Theater Workshop
 If you want more than “American Idol” and want to be a real musical theater performer then join our summer workshop in musical theater, and learn how to be a real Triple Threat for Broadway! [more]


South Carolina Summer Dance Conservatory attracts dancers from around the world to study and perform with some of the greatest teachers of our time. Columbia’s reputation for fine Southern hospitality, along with the unequaled caliber of instruction, makes the South Carolina Summer Dance Conservatory a wonderful place for learning, growth and camaraderie. [more]

Prince and Pirate Dance Camp
Two weeks of dance training for young boy and girl dancers aged 4-10.  Classes include a variety of dance forms such as classical ballet, jazz, contemporary dance, and musical theatre, as well as special classes in acting, make-up, and dance arts & crafts. [more


Columbia’s Cooking!
Young chefs are invited to experience Columbia's Cooking! culinary camps. During these camps, kids will participate in creating simple, delicious and healthy recipes! Campers will focus on a different theme each day while building basic culinary skills. Each session is a 5-day camp (9 a.m. to 2 p.m.) for chefs ages 8 to 18. [more]


Partners for Minorities in Engineering and Computer Science 
This partnership between educators and businesses provides gifted minority students with cultural and academic activities and role models in engineering and computer science. [more]

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