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National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition

Publish with the National Resource Center

When the National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition was founded in 1986, one of our primary goals was to build a literature base on the first-year experience. We invite your collaboration in our ongoing efforts to provide high-quality resources related to the learning, development, and success of college students in transition.

Contribute Your Knowledge

Many of our publications are submission-driven, and we continue to encourage high-quality manuscripts on research and practice supporting college students in transition.

If you would like to submit a practice- or research-based manuscript, we invite you to learn about our publications and review their submission guidelines.

Our Publications

This semiannual, peer-reviewed journal provides current research on the first college year and other significant student transitions. The Journal's purpose is to share empirical research findings on student transition issues that inform practice in all sectors of postsecondary education, such as:

  • Explorations into the academic, personal, and social experiences (including outcomes related to success, learning, and development) of students at a range of transition points throughout the college years. These transitions include, but are not limited to, the first college year, the transfer transition, the sophomore year, the senior year and transition out of college, and the transition to graduate work
  • Transition issues unique to specific student populations such as non-traditional, traditional, historically underrepresented, transfer, commuter, or part-time
  • Explorations of faculty development, curriculum, and pedagogical innovations connected to any of the transitions identified above

Submission Guidelines »

Contact the Editor: 
Dr. Rishi Sriram

Formerly e-Source, Insights for College Transitions is a free online resource that emphasizes evidence-based strategies for practitioner-scholars who support first-year students and students in transition inside and outside the classroom. Insights is accepting fall 2025 article submissions for the following columns: 

  • Making the Case: Revisiting the Why: An op-ed piece that makes a compelling case for a particular “hot topic” issue.
  • Featured Program: Highlights an exemplarily program related to supporting first-year students and/or students in transition
  • First-Year Seminar Pedagogical Practices: Illustrates first-year seminar pedagogical practices readers can immediately apply to their teaching or facilitation.
  • Research & Assessment: Showcases relevant programmatic assessment, evaluation, or small-scale research.

Submission Guidelines »

Contact the Editor: 
Annie Kelly, Ed.D.

The Toolbox is a professional development resource that offers innovative, learner-centered strategies for improving teaching and learning for college students. 

The Toolbox was merged with Insights for College Transitions (formerly eSource) in fall 2024 to streamline publications and create one strong practitioner-oriented publication. Past editions of The Toolbox are found in Archives

Submission Guidelines »

The National Resource Center publishes reports of original research of national significance that require more expansive treatment than the typical journal article. These publications may contain the report of a single, large-scale study or may offer a collection of smaller research reports on a similar topic or research question (e.g., institutional research reports on outcomes related to first-year seminars). In addition to a presentation of research findings, these publications typically contain a review of the literature, which situates the current study in the context of the existing literature and research, along with a discussion of the implications of the results on student learning, success, and institutional practice.

Complete Submission Guidelines [PDF]

Contact the Editor: 

The majority of our book-length publications are designed to inform practice in institutions of higher education, generally focusing on an educational or institutional structures, student subpopulations, or curricular/cocurricular innovations. These books typically begin with a discussion of the historical/philosophical underpinnings of the general topic or issue. Literature reviews and reports of relevant research may be used to build a case for why a structure, student subpopulation, innovation, or other topic needs our attention or to justify a particular approach to an issue. Subsequent chapters frequently provide recommendations for addressing the topic or issue from a variety of viewpoints. Typically, this section also discusses the potential impact of this issue or innovation on student learning, success, or retention.

In general, scholarly practice books:

  • Examine a topic of continuing importance to professionals working in the first-year experience/students in transition field
  • Present new and significant information and observations about the topic that can inform work in a variety of educational settings
  • Offer insights derived from a solid and sufficiently broad knowledge base of theory, research, and/or practice

Complete Submission Guidelines [PDF]

Contact the Editor: 

Style and Grammar Guidelines

All content should adhere to the standards set forth in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th edition). This includes format, references, citations, tables, and figures.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
