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Research and Grant Development Services

Program Details

NIH/FDA Drug Residue Cooperative Agreement Program (U18)RFA-FD-15-025

Sponsor: NIH/FDA
Internal Deadline: 06/10/2015
Sponsor Deadline: 07/15/2015
Program Website

NIH/FDA Drug Residue Cooperative Agreement Program (U18)RFA-FD-15-025

The intended outcome of this FOA is to advance efforts to improve and develop State drug residue prevention programs. It is necessary to provide assistance to current State tissue residue programs that need a stronger foundation to promote the prevention of illegal drug residues in animal derived foods through educational outreach and training, properly communicate and promote effective management practices for drug residue prevention, to increase the knowledge of proper drug use, and support other activities related to drug residue prevention.

This FOA is intended to ensure current drug residue prevention programs are developed to protect consumer exposure to drug residues in the edible products of food animals. In addition, these awards will help state agencies better direct their programs to reduce the outcomes of illegal drug residues in animal derived foods. This cooperative agreement will further enhance the program by measuring the performance of existing State drug residue prevention program, identifying areas of improvement and/or developing new programs.

USC may only submit one application in response to this program announcement. Your application submission MUST be coordinated with the Office of the Vice President for Research. Please send a two page abstract via email to Richard White ( by June 10, 2015. In addition to the 2-page abstract, you should also submit a biosketch for the PI.

FDA indicates that a letter of intent is Not Applicable and a full proposal is due by July 15, 2015. For more information:

Research and Grant Development Services

    Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
