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Research and Grant Development Services

Program Details

NIH: Pediatric Centers of Excellence in Nephrology (P50)RFA-DK-16-032

Sponsor: NIH
Internal Deadline: 08/28/2016
Sponsor Deadline: 10/02/2016
Program Website

NIH: Pediatric Centers of Excellence in Nephrology (P50)RFA-DK-16-032

This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) invites applications for the Pediatric Centers of Excellence in Nephrology (PCEN) to support both basic and clinical research on pediatric kidney disease. The emphases for this program are several-fold: (1) to continue to attract new scientific expertise into the study of human pediatric physiology and kidney disorders in humans and in disease models; (2) to encourage multidisciplinary research in these areas; 3) to explore new areas with translational potential and 4) to design Developmental Research (DR)/Pilot and Feasibility (P and F) studies which should lead to new and innovative approaches to study kidney disease in the pediatric population, and the eventual submission of competitive investigator-initiated R01 research grant applications. These Centers complement the O’Brien Kidney and Urological Research Centers. Information about the current NIDDK supported Centers may be found at the following URL: h

USC may only submit one application in response to this program announcement. Your application submission MUST be coordinated with the Office of the Vice President for Research. Please send a two page abstract via email to Richard White ( by August 28, 2016. In addition to the 2-page abstract, you should also submit a biosketch for the PI.

NIH indicates that a letter of intent is due by October 2, 2016and a full proposal is due by November 2, 2016. For more information:

Research and Grant Development Services

    Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
