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Research and Grant Development Services

Program Details

NSF: Partnerships for Innovation: Building Innovation Capacity (PFI:BIC) NSF 16-591

Sponsor: NSF
Internal Deadline: 09/09/2016
Sponsor Deadline: 10/14/2016
Program Website

NSF: Partnerships for Innovation: Building Innovation Capacity (PFI:BIC) NSF 16-591

Partnerships for Innovation: Building Innovation Capacity (PFI:BIC) program supports academe-industry partnerships which are led by an interdisciplinary academic research team collaborating with a least one industry partner.These partnerships focus on the integration of technologies into a specified human-centered service system with the potential to achieve transformational benefits, satisfying a real need by making an existing service system smart(er) or by spurring the creation of an entirely new smart service system. The selected service system should function as a test bed.

USC may only submit two proposals in response to this program announcement. Your application submission MUST be coordinated with the Office of the Vice President for Research. Please send a two page abstract via email to Richard White ( by September 9, 2016. In addition to the 2-page abstract, you should also submit a biosketch for the PI.

NSF indicates that a letter of intent is due October 14, 2016 and a full proposal is due by November 16, 2016. For more information: .

Research and Grant Development Services

    Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
