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Research and Grant Development Services

Program Details

Junior League of Columbia:(JLC)Community Impact Grant

Sponsor: JLC
Internal Deadline: 03/15/2019
Institutional Submission Limit: 1
Sponsor Deadline: 03/22/2019
Program Website

Junior League of Columbia:(JLC)Community Impact Grant

The Offices of the Vice President for Research and Corporate and Foundation Relations are coordinating an internal call for proposals to a new grant program administered by The Junior League of Columbia. This purpose of the JLC Community Impact Grant Program is to assist like-minded community partners in their efforts to improve lives in the greater Midlands area.

USC can only submit one proposal to this competition.Please submit your application as a single-file PDF to Richard White at by 5 pm on March 15, 2019.

For the internal deadline, please submit the following:
1. Cover letter, on your stationery, routed through USCera and signed by your SAM Administrator
2. Executive summary
3. Narrative (no more than two pages) that includes: Project description, Brief statement of need to be addressed, Goals and objectives, including dates for implementation and conclusion of project,Target population,Project activities/programs, Proposal of collaboration with JLC volunteers during the grant year,Plan for measuring project results and reporting impact of project to JLC on a quarterly basis,Project budget (expenses and/or income) and detailed narrative, Organization background (mission, major activities, and credentials for carrying out project),Conclusion (brief statement of sustainability), Appendices (attachments),Verification of tax-exempt status (IRS determination letter), List of officers and Board of Directors, and a Current annual report (if available).

If you previously received a grant from the Junior League of Columbia, please provide an update of the project and the outcomes.

For more information:

For questions, please contact Richard White at 777-1568 or

Research and Grant Development Services

    Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
