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Research and Grant Development Services

Program Details

NSF: Mid-Scale Innovations Program in Astronomical Sciences (MSIP) NSF 19-605

Sponsor: NSF
Internal Deadline: 11/01/2019
Institutional Submission Limit: 3
Sponsor Deadline: 12/19/2019
Program Website

NSF: Mid-Scale Innovations Program in Astronomical Sciences (MSIP) NSF 19-605

This program is formally divided into four subcategories: 1) limited term, self-contained science projects; 2) longer term mid-scale facilities; 3) development investments for future mid-scale and large-scale projects; and 4) community open access capabilities. MSIP will emphasize both strong scientific merit and a well-developed plan for student training and involvement of a diverse workforce in instrumentation, facility development, or data management.

USC may submit a maximum of three preliminary proposals as the lead institution. Full proposals are to be submitted only when invited by NSF, and no more than two invitations will be issued to a single organization. There is no limit to participation as a partner institution.

Your application submission(s) MUST be coordinated with the Office of the Vice President for Research. Please send a standard NIH formatted biosketch and a two page abstract via email to Richard White ( by October 2, 2019.

NSF indicates that a letter of intent is NOT REQUIRED and submission of a preliminary proposal is required by November 1, 2019. As previously stated, full proposals are to be submitted only when invited by NSF, and no more than two invitations will be issued to a single organization.

For more information:

Research and Grant Development Services

    Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
