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Research and Grant Development Services

Program Details

SC NASA EPSCoR: FY 2021 NASA EPSCoR Cooperative Agreement Notice (CAN)

Internal Deadline: 09/08/2020
Institutional Submission Limit: 3
Sponsor Deadline: 09/14/2020
Program Website

SC NASA EPSCoR: FY 2021 NASA EPSCoR Cooperative Agreement Notice (CAN)

SC NASA EPSCoR is releasing this Call for Letters of Intent and Pre-Proposals in ANTICIPATION of the release of the Federal announcement for the NASA EPSCoR $750K Research Program.

This statewide call for Pre-Proposals is the mechanism that will be used to identify the SINGLE proposal to be submitted by the SC NASA EPSCoR jurisdiction to NASA in response to the CAN.

NASA EPSCoR proposals are expected to establish research programs that will make significant contributions to 1) the strategic research and technology priorities of one or more of the four NASA Mission Directorates, 2) one or more of the ten NASA Field Centers, and 3) contribute to the overall research infrastructure, science and technology capabilities, higher education, and economic development of South Carolina.

UofSC is limited to submitting 3 pre-preproposals to this STATE-WIDE competition.

Given the SHORT TIMELINE and the HIGHLY COMPETITIVE nature of this call, if you are interested in submitting an LOI to this competition to be considered in the UofSC internal review process, you must submit the following as a single PDF file to Beth Herron at by by 5 pm, Tuesday, September 8 : 1) A Cover Letter from your chair and/or Dean that indicates he or she is willing to commit the REQUIRED cost-share commitments in support of the project; 2) a cover sheet with PI and Co-PI contact information, the NASA Mission Directorate and NASA Center(s) that align with your proposed research, and required area of expertise (e.g. polymer chemistry or Heliophysics); 3) a 3-page Project Summary (in 12 pt font with 1-inch margins) that describes the NASA EPSCoR CAN Project Activities, scope and project organization, collaborating team members, how the work aligns with NASA Mission Priorities, evidence of the PI and Co-Is established and active relationships with NASA, and 4) a 2-page biographical sketch for EACH key participant.

The selected Letter of Intent (LOI) is due by 5 pm Monday, September 14, 2020, to SC NASA EPSCoR along with Institutional Endorsement due by email from your UofSC Authorized Organizational Representative (AOR).

Pre-Proposals (with all signatures on budgets and cover page) will be due by 5pm, Friday, October 2, 2020.


The SC NASA EPSCoR Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) will identify one Pre-Proposal that best responds to the federal solicitation and addresses South Carolina research priorities.

Non-selected Pre-Proposals will be returned with mail review results only.

The selected Pre-Proposal will be provided panel feedback to be incorporated in the development of the final proposal for submission to the national NASA EPSCoR program.

The fully-developed proposal will be due to the SC NASA EPSCoR/ SC Space Grant Office, Friday, November 20, 2020, and the Final proposal will be submitted to NASA NSPIRES by the SC NASA EPSCoR office, Friday, December 4, 2020.

Note: It is anticipated that NASA will make a total of 3 to 5 awards of up to $750,000, each to be expended over a three-year period of performance.

For information about the internal limited submission for this competition, please contact Beth Herron at

For still more information (including detailed timelines), see:

Research and Grant Development Services

    Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
