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Research and Grant Development Services

Program Details


Sponsor: DOE
Internal Deadline: 01/18/2022
Institutional Submission Limit: 3
Sponsor Deadline: 02/15/2022
Program Website


The Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Basic Energy Sciences (BES) announces a re-competition of the Energy Frontier Research Center (EFRC) program and encourages both new and renewal applications (renewal applications will receive priority in our internal competition).

Applications from multi-disciplinary teams will be required to propose both discovery science and use-inspired basic research that addresses priority research directions and opportunities identified by a series of BES workshop and roundtable reports (please see the FOA linked below for a full list).

DOE encourages applications that propose fundamental chemical sciences, materials sciences, geosciences, and biosciences research that will enable future clean energy technologies and advanced manufacturing. Coordination across programs is a high priority for DOE.

EFRCs under this FOA will include awards for fundamental science that underpin the Energy Earthshots Initiative The focus of the EFRC program is on fundamental scientific research, therefore applications to this FOA must not propose applied research and technology development activities.

Awards are expected to range from $2 million per year to $4 million per year per center for each of four fiscal years.

This competition limits applications from U of SC (as lead organization) to three.

If you are interested in this competition, please submit the following to the Office of Research and Grant Development by 5 pm on Tuesday, January 18:

1) A Cover Page that lists the title; lead principal investigator (with contact information) and the topic area addressed.
2) A five-page summary which includes a clear and concise statement of the scientific mission of the proposed EFRC; a set of four-year research goals designed to support that mission; and a description of the research methods and approaches that will be used to achieve the goals of the EFRC. There also should be an explanation of the potential scientific impact of the proposed research and the need for an integrated, multi-disciplinary research team.
3)Please use Times New Roman (12 point) with one-inch margins on standard paper size. Figures and references must fit within the five-page limit.

Please email the above as a single PDF file to to Richard White ( by 5pm on Tuesday, January 18, 2022.

The pre-application deadline to DOE is February 15, 2022, with invited full applications due May 3, 2022.

Please see the FOA for more details at:

Research and Grant Development Services

    Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
