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Research and Grant Development Services

Program Details

American Heart Association: Strategically Focused Research Network (SFRN) on Biologic Pathways of Chronic Psychosocial Stressors on Cardiovascular Health

Sponsor: AHA
Internal Deadline: 10/14/2022
Institutional Submission Limit: 1
Sponsor Deadline: 11/17/2022
Program Website

American Heart Association: Strategically Focused Research Network (SFRN) on Biologic Pathways of Chronic Psychosocial Stressors on Cardiovascular Health

The American Heart Association (AHA) announces a Request for Applications (RFA) for the Strategically Focused Research Network (SFRN) on Biologic Pathways of Chronic Psychosocial Stressors on Cardiovascular Health.

As a reminder, any individual who is applying as a Center Director or a Project PI must be an AHA Member. Join or renew when preparing an application in Proposal Central, online, or by phone at 301-223-2307 or 800-787-8984. Membership processing takes 3-5 days; do not wait until the application deadline to renew or join.

Each Center director is required to send a pre-proposal to that provides:

-Name and institution of the Center director and each Project PI
-Network title, and title and performance site of each proposed project
-If required, the mechanism through which partnering requirements (see Additional Expectations and Opportunities and Institutional Eligibility / Location of Work sections) are being met

USC may only submit one application to this program announcement.

Your application submission MUST be coordinated with the Office of the Vice President for Research. If you are interested in applying, please contact Richard White( application instructions for the internal competition, which will close on October 14, 2022 .

The required pre-proposal must be submitted to the sponsor by November 17, 2022. An invited full application is due by January 19, 2023.

For more information

Research and Grant Development Services

    Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
