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Research and Grant Development Services

Program Details

NSF: Major Research Instrumentation Program (MRI)Instrument Acquisition or Development NSF 23-519

Sponsor: NSF
Internal Deadline: 12/13/2022
Institutional Submission Limit: 4
Sponsor Deadline: 02/21/2023
Program Website

NSF: Major Research Instrumentation Program (MRI)Instrument Acquisition or Development NSF 23-519

This solicitation... serves to increase access to multi-user scientific and engineering instrumentation for research and research training

USC may only submit four proposals in response to this program announcement. Submissions are based on the dollar value of the amount requested from NSF; no more than two submissions are permitted in Track 1 - proposals ranging from more than $100,0001 to less than $1,400,000, and no more than one submission is permitted in Track 2 - proposals ranging from greater than or equal to $1,400,000 up to and including $4,000,000.

For the newly defined Track 3, no more than one (1) submission requesting funds from NSF greater than or equal to $100,0001 and less than or equal to $4,000,000 (that include the purchase, installation, operation, and maintenance of equipment and instrumentation to conserve or reduce the consumption of helium)per competition is permitted.

As a result, it is now possible for an institution to submit up to four MRI proposals within the Track limits as described above.

NSF strongly values MRI proposals that seek to develop next-generation research instruments that open new frontiers of research. As a result, the MRI program seeks to support development proposals in numbers (i.e., up to 1/3 of awards) consistent with recent competitions, depending on the numbers and quality of the proposals.

The MRI Program seeks broad representation by PIs in its award portfolio, including women, underrepresented minorities, and persons with disabilities. Since diversity may be greater among early-career researchers, the MRI program also encourages proposals with early-career PIs and proposals that benefit early-career researchers.

Cost sharing requirements for new awards in the MRI Program are waived for a period of 5 years beginning with the FY 2023 MRI competition. Institutional submission limits for Track 1, Track 2 and Track 3 proposals remain.

Your application submission MUST be coordinated with the Office of the Vice President for Research.

Please send a three page abstract via email to Richard White ( by 5 pm December 13, 2022. The abstract needs to have a header that notes which track you are submitting to and the approximate amount you will request from NSF (either below $1M or between $1M - $4M). Within the text, please include information about your management plan and proposed outreach and educational activities. You should address how broadly your proposed equipment/instrument will be used in the USC community.

In addition to the three page abstract, please include an NSF-formatted biosketch for the PI and any other key personnel. All Principal Investigators must include documentation of cost share commitment(s) from chairs and deans. All Principal Investigators resubmitting a previously non- funded MRI proposal must also include reviewer remarks. Please compile all documents into a single PDF.

The NSF window for applications to the MRI program is  January 16, 2023 - February 21, 2023.

For more information:

Research and Grant Development Services

    Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
