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Research and Grant Development Services

Program Details

AFOSR: FY23 Defense Established Program To Stimulate Competitive Research (DEPSCoR) – Capacity Building (CB) FOA-AFRL-AFOSR-2023-0007

Sponsor: AFOSR
Internal Deadline: 05/15/2023
Institutional Submission Limit: 1
Sponsor Deadline: 06/12/2023
Program Website

AFOSR: FY23 Defense Established Program To Stimulate Competitive Research (DEPSCoR) – Capacity Building (CB) FOA-AFRL-AFOSR-2023-0007

The intent of this DEPSCoR-Capacity Building effort is to foster new, strategic, multi-thrust efforts to increase basic research capacity in a DoD-relevant research area at the applicant institution (IHE). Innovative approaches to improving basic research capacity beyond the initial seed capacity of the IHE are highly encouraged.

To address the program’s aim, DEPSCoR-Capacity Building objectives are to:

• Jumpstart capability development in the state through increased human, technical, and management resources
• Achieve excellence in a DoD-relevant research area through funding to support equipment, education, research, and other relevant activities

Applicants must be aware of and address the expectations of the DEPSCoR-Capacity Building program outlined in the FOA (see FOA for full description and details): the opportunities for enhanced academic basic research and development competitiveness; strategic plan to sustain the investment after the DEPSCoR award period of performance; identification of basic research gaps currently at the IHE and the required capabilities that need to be developed to achieve full and competitive basic research capability in a DoD-relevant research area; a management plan for coordinating multiple thrusts working on a common basic research theme that will fill the research gaps and develop new basic research capabilities.

USC can only submit one White Paper to this Call for Proposals.

Please note, an institutional-level official such as the VPR will be the actual PI of the proposal.

Interested teams should submit the following as a single PDF document to Julie Morris ( by 5 pm on Monday May 15.

• Cover page (1 page limit): Include all key personnel names and institutional affiliations. Also include the Services’ BAA number and research area (s) your application addresses.
• Abstract (not to exceed 500 words); Describe the overall approach to achieving the strategic objectives of USC to achieve basic research excellence in areas of high relevance to the DoD.
• Capacity Building Narrative (3 page limit): Your white paper must clearly describe your strategic objectives to achieve basic research excellence in an area of high relevance to the DoD, including existing seed capability; vision for building basic research capacity including programmatic, academic, educational, and technical gaps; specific thrusts that will be pursued to fill gaps to build competitive research capacity; team composition and potential partners; management plan; and potential for long-term sustainment.
• A two-page CV for the Team Lead.

The FOA may be accessed at:

The external deadline for this competition (White Paper deadline) is Monday, June 12, 2023. If the white paper is invited to submit a full proposal, that deadline will be Monday, November 20, 2023.

Research and Grant Development Services

    Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
