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Research and Grant Development Services

Program Details

NIMHD Centers of Excellence in Investigator Development and Community Engagement (P50 - Clinical Trial Optional) RFA-MD-23-011

Sponsor: NIH
Internal Deadline: 06/09/2023
Institutional Submission Limit: 1
Sponsor Deadline: 08/04/2023
Program Website

The purpose of this program is to further advance NIMHD’s mission by supporting Centers of Excellence to enhance research training and education of academic faculty (including post-doctoral fellows, junior faculty, and other early-stage investigators) in the conduct of minority health and health disparities research.
Please note this program requires documentation of additional institutional eligibility criteria outlined in the NOFO.

Submission Process

Limited submissions MUST be coordinated with the Office of the Vice President for Research.

If interested in applying for this opportunity, email a two-page project abstract, including at top the project title, PI, and list of key collaborators, and a 2-3 page CV/biosketch for the PI (SCiENcv preferred) by the INTERNAL DEADLINE above to Julie Morris at

Research and Grant Development Services

    Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
