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Research and Grant Development Services

Program Details

Predictive Intelligence for Pandemic Prevention Phase II (PIPP Phase II Centers Program) NSF 23-608

Sponsor: NSF
Internal Deadline: 07/24/2023
Institutional Submission Limit: 1
Sponsor Deadline: 08/25/2023
Program Website

The PIPP initiative focuses on foundational research and development activities needed to tackle grand challenges in infectious disease pandemics through prediction and prevention. The PIPP Phase II Centers Program is the NSF’s flagship program to establish a network of Centers or large-scale awards/investments that will support interdisciplinary team-based approaches to accelerate research and development activities in emerging infectious diseases and pandemics. The overall goal of the PIPP Phase II Centers program is to support research and development activities needed to transform society’s ability to forecast the likelihood of pandemic-scale events, detect outbreaks early, and respond efficiently.

The program invites proposals for Centers that have a principal focus in one of the following multidisciplinary themes:
   - Theme 1: Pre-emergence – Predicting and detecting rare events in complex, dynamical systems
   - Theme 2: Data, AI/ML and Design - Computing, manufacturing, and technology innovation for pandemics
   - Theme 3: The Host as the Universe - Identifying host-pathogen tipping points that dictate control or spread of an infection
   - Theme 4: Human Systems – The role of human behavior, activities, and environments in disease emergence, transmission, and response or mitigation

Letter of Intent is required by 5pm on August 25, 2023 with full proposal due December 08, 2023.

NOTE: Submission or award of a Development Grant (PIPP Phase I) is not required to participate in the PIPP Phase II Centers Program competition.

For more information, please see the solicitation and program page

Submission Process

Limited submissions MUST be coordinated with the Office of the Vice President for Research.

If interested in applying for this opportunity, email the following to Julie Morris at by the INTERNAL DEADLINE above:
1) Cover page listing:
     • Title (as required in solicitation: Proposal titles must indicate the PIPP Phase II program, followed by a colon, then the title of the project ("PIPP Phase II: Theme n (where n is the theme number, if known): Title"). The title should describe the project in concise, informative language that is understandable to a technically literate reader.
     • Name of PI and department
     • If applicable, Name(s) and departments of co-PIs/Other Senior Project Personnel and Participating Organizations
2) Project Information
   i) Synopsis (2500 characters): The Synopsis should outline the specific goals of the Center and highlight innovative aspects of the work and the significance of potential outcomes in the field of predictive intelligence for pandemic prevention.
   ii) Other Comments (2500 characters): Explain how the project will address the Additional Solicitation Specific Criteria identified in the Solicitation (Section VI.A. page 17) which includes a) Foundational research and development activities, b)
Use-inspired insights to critical problems, and c) Strategic impact of the Center.
3) a 2-3 page CV/biosketch for the PI and senior personnel (SCiENcv preferred)

Research and Grant Development Services

    Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
