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Research and Grant Development Services

Program Details

NIH: Nutrition Obesity Research Centers (NORCs) (P30)RFA-DK-14-002

Sponsor: NIH
Internal Deadline: 09/19/2014
Sponsor Deadline: 10/24/2014
Program Website

NIH: Nutrition Obesity Research Centers (NORCs) (P30)RFA-DK-14-002

This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) invites applications from institutions/organizations that propose to establish core centers that are part of an integrated and existing program of nutrition and/or obesity research. The Nutrition Obesity Research Centers (NORC) program is designed to support and enhance the national research effort in nutrition and obesity. NORCs support three primary research-related activities: Research Core services, a Pilot and Feasibility (P and F) program, and an Enrichment program. All activities pursued by Nutrition Obesity Research Centers are designed to enhance the efficiency, productivity, effectiveness and multidisciplinary nature of research in nutrition and obesity. The NIDDK Nutrition Obesity Research Centers program in 2014 consists of 12 Centers, each located at outstanding research institutions with documented programs of excellence in nutrition and/or obesity research. - See more at:

USC may only submit one application in response to this program announcement. Your application submission MUST be coordinated with the Office of the Vice President for Research. Please send a two page abstract via email to Richard White ( by January 14, 2013. In addition to the 2-page abstract, you should also submit a biosketch for the PI.

NIH indicates that a letter of intent is due on May 10, 2013 and a full proposal is due by June 9, 2013. For more information: by September 19, 2013. In addition to the 2-page abstract, you should also submit a biosketch for the PI.

NIH indicates that a letter of intent is due on October 24, 2014 and a full proposal is due by November 25, 2014. For more information: NSF: Cyberinfrastructure Training, Education, Advancement, and Mentoring for Our 21st Century Workforce (CI-TEAM) 11-515

New information, communication, and computational technologies have had profound impacts on the practice of science (in this solicitation, the term science includes the natural, mathematical, computing, and social sciences), engineering, and education. This includes the means by which citizens of all ages use science and engineering to enhance professional and private lives. The systems, tools, and services emerging from these new technologies are linked to create a comprehensive cyberinfrastructure that is enabling individuals, groups, and organizations to advance research and education in ways that revolutionize who can participate, what they can do, and how they do it. Sustaining this revolution across all areas of science, engineering, and education requires the formation of a citizenry and workforce with the knowledge and skills needed to design and deploy as well as adopt and apply these cyber-based systems, tools and services over the long-term. The opportunity for such preparation should be available at all stages of formal and informal education (K-16 and lifelong), training and professional development, and must be extended to all individuals and communities.

The CI-TEAM program supports projects that integrate science and engineering research and education activities that range from local activities to global-scale efforts, as appropriate, to promote, leverage and utilize cyberinfrastructure systems, tools and services.

USC may only submit one application in response to this program announcement. Your application submission MUST be coordinated with the Office of the Vice President for Research. Please send a two page abstract via email to Richard White ( by January 14, 2013. In addition to the 2-page abstract, you should also submit a biosketch for the PI.

NSF indicates that a letter of intent is due on May 10, 2013 and a full proposal is due by June 9, 2013. For more information:


Research and Grant Development Services

    Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
