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Department of English Language and Literature

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Alumna Cat Baab-Muguira publishes book on Poe

Poe for Your Problems explores Poe’s failures as key to his—and your!—success

Cat Baab-Muguira (UofSC English, 2004) has long been obsessed with the life and work of Edgar Allen Poe. Her new book, Poe for Your Problems: Uncommon Advice from History’s Least Likely Self-Help Guru (Running Press), is the hilariously moving fruit of that obsession. As the promotional blurb puts it, “this darkly comedic and refreshing self-help guide” will help you “discover how to say ‘nevermore’ to your problems”—not by resisting but by traveling through your foibles, flaws, and failures. Click here for an interview with Cat, and here for a review of Poe for Your Problems.

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