Join us this Friday from noon to 5 P.M. for our 4th Annual Research Symposium.
Students work with a faculty mentor on various research projects across the Prisma Health Sciences Center (USC SOMG, Prisma CLE, Clemson, Furman, USC Arnold School of Public Health) and a handful of offsite and out-of-state research. The experiences are in the areas of clinical research, translational research, community health, medical education, population health, and health policy. This annual event will include student oral presentations, poster sessions, and networking opportunities for students and research mentors.
Schedule of Events
Welcome Remarks
Presented by Dean of USCSOMG Dr. Marjorie Jenkins, MD, MEdHP, FACP & Director of Medical
Student Research Dr. Renee Chosed, Ph.D. SOMG Lecture Hall
12:00 P.M.
Poster Session 1
SOMG Learning Studio
12:30 P.M. - 1:15 P.M.
1:15 P.M. - 1:30 P.M.
Oral Presentations
SOMG Lecture Hall
1:30 P.M. - 3:30 P.M.
3:30 P.M. - 3:45 P.M.
Poster Session 2
SOMG Learning Studio
3:45 P.M. - 4:30 P.M.
Presentation of Awards
SOMG Rotunda
4:30 P.M. - 5:00 P.M.
2022 Research Symposium Presenters
Oral Presentation Abstracts
Hard Pills to Swallow: Attitudes Concerning Opioid Use Disorder and Factors Influencing
Support of Specific Medications for Opioid Use Disorder Among A Rural, Appalachia
Student: Ashlyn K. Chea
Faculty Advisor: Dr. T. Aaron Zeller
Department: Prisma Health, Center for Family Medicine Oconee
Exploring Cognitive Control in Buprenorphine-Maintained Patients with Opioid Use Disorder
Student: Samuel M. Cumby
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Margie Stevens
Department: Clemson University, Department of Public Health Sciences
Scholarship/Donor Information: Student stipend provided by the Prisma Health Department of Medicine
Dietary Excess of Caffeine and Sodium (DECaffS) and effect on weight and BP in healthy
Student: Mary C. Grant
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Sudha Garimella
Department: Prisma Health, Department of Pediatric Nephrology
Scholarship/Donor Information: Student stipend provided by the Prisma Health Department of Pediatrics
Repurposing an Old Blood Pressure Medication as an Antiamebic : A Novel Treatment
for Entamoeba histolytica using Wytensin™ (Guanabenz Acetate)
Student: John T. King
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Lesly Temesvari
Department: Clemson University, EPIC and the Department of Biological Sciences
Scholarship/Donor Information: Student stipend and project funded by the Clemson EPIC MEnTOR Program
Identification of specific genes in blastocoel fluid of IVF-embryos from women of
advanced maternal age
Student: Thao Nguyen
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Renee Chosed
Department: University of South Carolina School of Medicine Greenville, Department of Biomedical
Scholarship/Donor Information: SOMG Scholars
Longitudinal Assessment of the Relationship Between Sleep, Fatigue, Pain, Cognition,
and Quality of Life in Breast Cancer Survivors
Student: Shelby N. Rader
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Lauren Fowler
Department: USC SOMG, Department of Biomedical Sciences
Scholarship/Donor Information: SOMG Scholars
The Use of a Novel Barrier Skin and Muscle Retractor to Avoid Muscle Injury During
Total Shoulder Arthroplasty
Student: Michael J. Russell
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Stephan Pill
Department: Prisma Health, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
Scholarship/Donor Information: SOMG Scholars
Identifying Mechanisms of Resistance in Novel Necrotizing Fasciitis Acinetobacter
baumannii Isolates
Student: Alia T. Sadek
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Jennifer Grier
Department: USC SOMG, Department of Biomedical Sciences
Scholarship/Donor information: SOMG Scholars
Effectiveness of cholangioscopy guided biopsy versus ERCP guided brushings in diagnosing
malignant biliary strictures
Student: George Skenteris
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Christine Schammel
Department: USC SOMG, Pathology Associates Greenville
Scholarship/Donor Information: SOMG Scholars
Through the Fog: Using Social Media to Evaluate Patient Engagement with Long COVID
Patient Experts
Student: Malorie K. Webb
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Ann Blair Kennedy
Department: USC SOMG, Department of Biomedical Sciences
Scholarship/Donor Information: SOMG Scholars
TIES: 4 Attributes of Successful Studies in Implementation Science –Thoroughness,
Individualization, Expandability, and Scale
Student: Nathan Abdo
Department: Prisma Health, Department of Emergency Medicine
Scholarship/Donor Information: Student stipend and research funded by a Prisma Health Transformative Research Seed
Towards the Development of a Self-Organizing Neural Unit to Model an Ischemic Stroke
and Other Neuropathology
Student: Lidadi L. Agbomi
Department: USC SOMG, Department of Biomedical Sciences
Scholarship/Donor Information: Undergraduate, NIH R25 Program
Identification of genes associated with successful IVF outcomes from Women of Advanced
Maternal Age
Student: Hannah C. Archer
Department: USC SOMG, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Dr. Renee J Chosed
Scholarship/Donor Information: Undergraduate, NIH R25 Program
Alterations of Antibiotic for the Treatment of Bacterial Infections
Student: Brionna Bennett
Department: Prisma Health, Cancer Institute
Scholarship/Donor Information: SOMG Scholars
Evaluation of Aortic Aneurysm Sac Regression Following Endovascular Repair
Student: Nicholas Beraho
Department: Prisma Health, Department of Surgery
Scholarship/Donor Information: Student stipend provided by the Prisma Health Department of Surgery
Analysis of the expression of both ubiquitin and histone proteins in blastocoel fluid
from IVF embryos is correlated with positive implantation status
Student: Sarayu Bethi
Department: USC SOMG, Department of Biomedical Sciences
Scholarship/Donor Information: High School Student, USC SOMG Department of Biomedical Sciences
Pleomorphic Lobular Carcinoma in situ
Student: Darby Billing
Department: Prisma Health, Department of Pathology
Scholarship/Donor Information: SOMG Scholars
Overcoming the Falls and Failures of Screenings and Referrals in the ED
Student: Christian Brayman
Department: Prisma Health, Department of Emergency Medicine
Scholarship/Donor Information: SOMG Scholars
A Case Report of Successful Treatment of Invasive Gastrointestinal Mucormycosis in
a Patient with History of Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia
Student: Adam Brockway
Department: PRISMA Health Upstate, Department of Surgery, Division of Urology
Comorbidities of ischemic stroke patients with a history of diastolic blood pressure
treated in a telestroke network; accessing improving or worsening neurological functions
Student: Christina I. Brown
Department: Ph.D. Thomas Nathaniel, Department of BioMedical Sciences
Scholarship/Donor Information: Undergraduate, NIH R25 Program
Durability of Type II Heat-Labile Enterotoxins Effects on Respiratory Immune Responses
Student: Zachary M. Buchanan
Department: USC SOMG, Department of Biomedical Sciences
Scholarship/Donor Information: High School Student, USC SOMG Department of Biomedical Sciences
Building Paediatric Surgical Capacity in Rural Malawi - Lessons From the KidSURG Project
Student: Niamh P. Cahill
Department: Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Institute of Global Surgery, School of Population
Impact of Preoperative Bathing Pathway on Postoperative Outcomes
Student: Sherry Chen
Department: Prisma Health, Department of Surgery
Scholarship/Donor Information: SOMG Scholars
Stroke Risk Factors Associated with Gender Differences in Ischemic Stroke Patients
With Diabetes
Student: Oreoluwa O. Coker-Ayo
Department: USC SOMG, Department of Biomedical Sciences
Scholarship/Donor Information: Undergraduate, NIH R25 Program
Is gene expression altered in blastocoel fluid from preimplantation euploid IVF-embryos
that result in miscarriage?
Student: Carson Collins
Department: USC SOMG, Department of Biomedical Sciences
Scholarship/Donor Information: SOMG Scholars
Mechanisms of SARS-CoV-1 Non-Structural Protein 1 (Nsp-1)-Mediated Immune Regulation
Student: Ayan Dasgupta
Department: USC SOMG, Department of Biomedical Sciences
Scholarship/Donor Information: SOMG Scholars
Can CT Imaging Predict the Need for Transversus Abdominis Release in Ventral Hernia
Student: Sarah Davis
Department: Prisma Health, Department of Surgery
Comparing the effects of Pharmacological and demographic factors between men and women
patients diagnosed with Late and Early-Onset Alzheimer's Disease.
Student: Ashna Desai
Department: USC SOMG, Department of Biomedical Sciences
Scholarship/Donor Information: Undergraduate, NIH R25 Program
Assessment of Nutrition Education Needs Among Patients with Chronic Diseases
Student: Alondra DeSantiago
Department: USC SOMG, Department of Medicine, Prisma Health, Department of Internal Medicine
Scholarship/Donor information: SOMG Research Scholars Fellowship
Gender differences in risk factors for recurrent Ischemic Stroke with previous history
of TIA
Student: Leila Djerdjour
Department: USC SOMG, Department of Biomedical Sciences
Scholarship/Donor Information: SOMG Scholars
Rica Salud: Evaluation of Lifestyle Medicine Program Utilization and Future Directions
Student: Rebecca Early
Department: Prisma Health, Department of Pediatrics
Scholarship/Donor Information: Student stipend provided by the Prisma Health Department of Pediatrics
The Effects of Different Vitamin B12 Forms on Aging and Neurological Disorders
Student: Auj N. Elmore-Mack
Department: USC Upstate, Department of Biology
Scholarship/Donor Information: Undergraduate, NIH R25 Program
Identifying Physiomarkers for Prediction of Response to Achalasia Treatment
Student: Merve Ertem
Department: Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Department of Medicine, Northwestern
Medicine, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, Chicago
Scholarship/Donor Information: Student stipend and project funded by the NIH T35 Summer Research Program at Northwestern
Investigating the Demographics of TBI+ and TBI- Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease
Student: Madisen L. Faulkner
Department: Prisma Health, Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Neurology
Scholarship/Donor Information: USCSOMG Summer Scholars Program
The Effect of Platelet Activating Factor on Caspase Activity in Sea Urchin Embryos
Student: Sarah R. Feingold
Department: USC SOMG, Department of Biomedical Sciences
Scholarship/Donor Information: Undergraduate, NIH R25 Program
Regional brain structure reflects the influence of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) in
the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative sample
Student: Alexandria M. Fossum
Department: Prisma Health, Department of Neurology
Scholarship/Donor Information: Undergraduate, SNIRP Program
Disruption of the Extracellular Morphogenesis of Cardiac Tissues in two Avian Models
of Cyanotic Heart Defects
Student: Rhyan H. Gaff
Department: USC SOMG, Department of Biomedical Sciences
Scholarship/Donor Information: Undergraduate, NIH R25 Program
There’s no place like home, but where’s home when you are in recovery?
Student: Melanie Gainey
Department: Prisma Health, Addiction Medicine Center; USC SOMG, Department of Medicine
Scholarship/Donor Information: Student stipend provided by the Prisma Health Department of Medicine
Encystation of Entamoeba histolytica in Axenic Culture
Student: Mallorie M. Gainey
Department: Clemson University, Department of Genetics and Biochemistry
Scholarship/Donor Information: Clemson University, EPIC MEnTOR Program
Exploring Drug Efficacy in the Pediatric Population: Determining the Differences Among
Various Drug Classes
Student: Buddy Gardner
Department: USC SOMG, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical
Scholarship/Donor Information: SOMG Scholars
Stroke Outcome Optimization Study
Student: Sarah B. Goncher
Department: Prisma Health, Department of Neurology
Scholarship/Donor Information: Undergraduate, SNIRP Program
Delay Discounting as a Potential Therapeutic Target for Patients with Opioid Use Disorder
on Buprenorphine Maintenance
Student: Eli Goodwin
Department: Clemson University, Department of Public Health Sciences
Scholarship/Donor Information: Student stipend provided by the Prisma Health Department of Medicine
“Great job - 3/5”: Assessing Student and Faculty Opinion on Narrative Feedback in
Medical Education
Student: Ashley Hall
Department: USC SOMG, Department of Biomedical Sciences
Scholarship/Donor Information: SOMG Scholars
Concussion Occurrence, Knowledge, and Attitude Across Gender in Upstate South Carolina
Youth and College Athletes
Student: Coral R. Holt
Department: Prisma Health, Department of Family Medicine
Virtual Mindfulness Training for Adults with History of Depression
Student: Mo Hooshmand
Department: Prisma Health, Department of Internal Medicine
Scholarship/Donor Information: Project funded by the Prisma Health Department of Internal Medicine
Gender Difference in Risk Factors of Ischemic Stroke Patients with Coronary Artery
Student: Samuel I. Imeh-Nathaniel
Department: University of South Carolina School of Medicine Greenville, Department of Biomedical
Scholarship/Donor Information: Undergraduate, NIH R25 Program
Stakeholder Perspectives on Screening and Addressing the Social Determinants of Health
at Prisma Health
Student: Mia L. Jeanty
Department: Prisma Health, Program Director, Internal Medicine Residency Program
Scholarship/Donor Information: Student stipend and research funded by a Prisma Health Transformative Research Seed
Systematic Review of PEComa Treatments
Student: Jamila Johnson
Department: USC SOMG
Scholarship/Donor Information: SOMG Scholars
Safe supplies straight to your doorstep: improving harm reduction access in South
Student: Philip Johnston
Department: UofSC SOMG, Department of Biomedical Sciences and Prisma Health - Addiction Medicine
Scholarship/Donor Information: Student stipend provided by the Prisma Health Department of Medicine
Patient Perspectives on Screening and Addressing the Social Determinants of Health
at Prisma Health
Student: Elise Kao
Department: Prisma Health, Internal Medicine Clinic
Scholarship/Donor Information: Student stipend and research funded by a Prisma Health Transformative Research Seed
Investigation of the impact of mTBI and poor sleep on cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s
disease patients
Student: Himashreya Katti
Department: USC SOMG, Department of Neurology
Scholarship/Donor Information: SOMG Scholars
Biofilm formation by Serratia Marcescens Using Lux I and Lux R Mutants
Student: Lystasha I. Kershaw
Department: Claflin University, Biology Department
Scholarship/Donor Information: Undergraduate, NIH R25 Program
Analysis of glycan expression in malignant versus para-cancerous, benign tissue in breastcancer patients
Student: Alexandra Kesic
Department: USC SOMG, Department of Biomedical Sciences
Scholarship/Donor Information: SOMG Scholars
The safety of injecting corticosteroid injections prior to total shoulder arthroplasty
Student: Aaron Kesinger
Department: Prisma Health, Department of Orthopedic Surgery
Scholarship/Donor Information: SOMG Scholars
Treatment of Pediatrics Mental Health Patients in Upstate South Carolina
Student: Nykia King
Department: Prisma Health, Bradshaw Institute of Community Child Health and Advocacy
Scholarship/Donor Information: Student stipend provided by the Prisma Health Department of Pediatrics
Granular Cell Tumors of the GI Tract
Student: Alexandra Koberlein
Department: University of South Carolina School of Medicine Greenville, Greenville SC; Arnold
School of Public Health, University of South Carolina, Greenville SC; Pathology Associates,
Greenville SC ; Department of Surgery, Prisma Health Upstate, Greenville SC
Scholarship/Donor information: SOMG Scholars
The association between 1860 chattel slavery and excess burden of contemporary adverse
pregnancy outcomes: An exploratory ecological analysis
Student: Anna Kofoed
Department: Prisma Health, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Scholarship/Donor Information: Project funded by the Prisma Dept of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Genetic Variants in the LARP1 Gene are Associated with Neurodevelopmental Delays and
Student: Olivia Lamer
Department: USC SOMG, Department of Biomedical Sciences
Shouldering disparities: do neighborhood socioeconomic characteristics influence outcomes
after rotator cuff repair?
Student: Bo Layton
Department: Prisma Health, Department of Orthopedic Surgery
Creating A Medical School-Oriented Map of Immunologic Processes
Student: Autumn Leggins
Department: USC SOMG, Department of Biomedical Sciences
Scholarship/Donor Information: SOMG Scholars
Concussion Occurrence, Knowledge, and Attitude Across Sports in Greenville County
School System Student Athletes
Student: Megan M. Leonard
Department: Prisma Health, Department of Family Medicine and Sports Medicine
Assessing LGBTQ+ Competency, Comfort, and Education in Ob/Gyn residents
Student: Krystal H. Magwood
Department: Prisma Health, Department of Ob/Gyn
Scholarship/Donor Information: SOMG Scholars
Student: Dakota Makulec
Department: USC SOMG Adjunct Faculty
Scholarship/Donor Information: SOMG Scholars
Platelet Activating Factor Enhances FcR Expression in Human Sperm
Student: Sanjana Mandilwar
Department: USC SOMG, Department of Biomedical Sciences
Scholarship/Donor Information: SOMG Scholars
Extra-Esophageal Eosinophilia in Patients with Eosinophilic Esophagitis
Student: Mary Britt McDonald
Department: USC SOMG, Department of Pediatrics and Prisma Health, Department of Pediatrics
Scholarship/Donor Information: Student stipend provided by the Prisma Health Department of Pediatrics
Investigating the Anti-Apoptotic Effects of IFIT3 during Respiratory Infection in
a CRISPR-Generated IFIT3 Knock-Out Cell Line
Student: Haley C. Meltzer
Department: USC SOMG, Department of Biomedical Sciences
Scholarship/Donor Information: Undergraduate, USC SOMG Department of Biomedical Sciences
Effects of Age and Gender on Empathy in EMS Personnel
Student: Fadiana E Mendoza Fernandez
Department: USC SOMG, Department of Biomedical Sciences
Thinking about diabetes: illness perception in patients with diabetes
Student: Andrew P. Miller
Department: Prisma Health, Department of Internal Medicine
Scholarship/Donor information: Project funded by the Prisma Health Department of Internal Medicine
Effects of Neointimal Hyperplasia in Vascular Grafts
Student: Harrison N. Miller
Department: Clemson University, Department of Bioengineering
Scholarship/Donor Information: Undergraduate, NIH R25 Program
Diverticulitis in Octogenarians
Student: Brittany M. Moore
Department: Prisma Health, Department of Surgery
Scholarship/Donor Information: Student stipend provided by the Prisma Health Department of Surgery
Evaluating Physical Activity, Behavior, and Skeletal Muscle Mitochondrial Oxidative
Capacity in Breast Cancer Patients using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy
Student: Zachary Morgan
Department: USC SOMG Human Performance Lab; Prisma Health, Cancer Institute
Scholarship/Donor Information: SOMG Scholars
Evaluating the correlation between accuracy of FAST exams in pediatric patients with
blunt abdominal trauma and level of resident training
Student: Sydney Morris
Department: USC SOMG and Prisma Health, Division of Pediatric Surgery
Scholarship/Donor Information: SOMG Scholars
Radiation Dosage to Patients During Prostatic Artery Embolization
Student: Daniel Ngov
Department: Pathology Associates, Greenville SC , Department of Radiology, Prisma Health Upstate,
Greenville SC
Scholarship/Donor Information: SOMG Scholars
Gender, smoking behaviors, and bilingualism presenting as demographic risk factors
for traumatic brain injury in the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative database
Student: Paige L. Novota
Department: Prisma Health, Department of Neurology
Scholarship/Donor Information: Undergraduate, SNIRP Program
Studying the Unique Social Determinants of Health for the 29203 Zip Code and Greater
Columbia Area
Student: Catherine O'Leary
Department: Prisma Health, Family and Preventative Medicine (Columbia, SC
Stroke Outcome Optimization Project (SOOP) Imaging
Student: Molly R. Oroho
Department: Prisma Health, Department of Neurology
Scholarship/Donor Information: Undergraduate, SNIRP Program
Expression Levels of Lactate Dehydrogenase-1 in Aging Females with Triple-Negative
Breast Cancer
Student: Adam J. Pemberton
Department: Biology, Chemistry, and Environmental Health Science Department, Benedict College,
1600 Harden Street, Columbia, SC 29204
Scholarship/Donor Information: Undergraduate, NIH R25 Program
Nutrition Optimization Before Bariatric Surgery: Does Required Dietitian Follow-up
Improve Patient Outcomes?
Student: Cher Pitiranggon
Department: Prisma Weight Loss Institute
Scholarship/Donor Information: SOMG Scholars
The Malignant Risk of Benign Breast Disease in Patients in the Upstate
Student: Rebecca K. Pontius
Department: Prisma Health, Department of Surgery
Expression Levels of Serum Creatine Kinase BB Isoenzyme in Aging Females at Different
Stages of Breast Cancer
Student: Mia J. Pringle
Department: Biology, Chemistry, and Environmental Health Science Department, Benedict College,
1600 Harden Street, Columbia SC, 29204
Scholarship/Donor Information: Undergraduate, NIH R25 Program
ExsoMed INnate Intramedullary Headless Screw Use for Metacarpal Fractures
Student: Rachel J. Reed
Department: Prisma Health, Department of Orthopedic Surgery
Scholarship/Donor Information: SOMG Scholars
The Evaluation of Clinicopathologic Data of Synchronous Breast Cancer at a Single
Student: Ryan Reyes
Department: 1University of South Carolina School of Medicine Greenville – Greenville, SC 2Clemson
University—Clemson, SC 3Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 4Department of Biostatistics
and Epidemiology, Arnold School of Public Health, University of South Carolina,
Greenville SC 5Department of Surgery, Prisma Health Upstate, Greenville SC 6Pathology
Associates – Greenville, SC
Scholarship/Donor Information: SOMG Scholars
The Impact of COVID on Medical Education: Evaluation of Immunology Module Performance
in In-Person vs Virtual Course Presentation
Student: Isabelle Robinson
Department: USC SOMG, Department of Biomedical Sciences
Scholarship/Donor Information: SOMG Scholars
Neutrophil NFkB Response to Aspergillus Fumigatus in Zebrafish Models
Student: Stephan L. Robinson
Department: Clemson University, Eukaryotic Pathogens Innovation Center (EPIC)
Scholarship/Donor Information: Student stipend and project funded by the Clemson EPIC MEnTOR Program
Effects of Chemotherapy Regimens on Skeletal Muscle Mitochondrial Function in Breast
Cancer Patients Measured by Near Infrared Spectroscopy
Student: Miles B. Rothstein
Department: USC SOMG, Department of Biomedical Sciences
Scholarship/Donor Information: Student stipend and research funded by a Prisma Health Transformative Research Seed
Investigating the prognostic value of fMRI images on individual response to rTMS treatment
for schizophrenia
Student: Abigail L. Rowell
Department: Prisma Health, Department of Neurology
Scholarship/Donor Information: Undergraduate, SNIRP Program
Using Endogenous Myc-tagging to Locate Fatty Acid Metabolism Proteins in Trypanosoma
Brucei, the causative agent in African trypanosomiasis
Student: Courtney L. Rucker
Department: Clemson University, Clemson Eukaryotic Pathogens Innovation Center
Scholarship/Donor Information: Student stipend and project funded by the Clemson EPIC MEnTOR Program
Relationship between PAF and Fc Receptor in Sperm Cell Fertilization Potential
Student: Nicole M. Russell
Department: USC SOMG Department of Biomedical Sciences
Scholarship/Donor Information: SOMG Scholars
Urothelial Cancer Case Report
Student: Kyle Russi
Department: Prisma Health, Department of Surgery
Scholarship/Donor Information: Student stipend provided by the Prisma Health Department of Surgery
The Role of IFI44 in Post-Viral Inflammation
Student: Madison Ryan
Faculty Advisor:
Department: USC SOMG, Department of Biomedical Sciences
Scholarship/Donor Information: SOMG Scholars
Diverticulitis Recurrence: A Comparison of Robotic vs Open and Laparoscopic Sigmoidectomy
Student: Garrett (Gary) Sayre
Department: Prisma Health, Department of Surgery
Scholarship/Donor Information: Student stipend provided by the Prisma Health Department of Surgery
Resolution of anemia following paraesophageal hernia repair
Student: Erica Schumann
Department: Prisma Health, Department of Surgery
Scholarship/Donor Information: Student stipend provided by the Prisma Health Department of Surgery
Decellularization of Porcine Saphenous Veins
Student: Taylor M. Seawell
Department: Clemson University, Department of Bioengineering
Scholarship/Donor Information: Undergraduate, NIH R25 Program
Analysis of Patient Galectin Profiles by Breast Cancer Subtypes and Patient Characteristics
Student: Jonah Shealy
Department: USC SOMG, Department of Biomedical Sciences
Scholarship/Donor Information: SOMG Scholars
The Biochemical Characterization of Lactate Dehydrogenase Activity on Breast Cancer
Treatment Strategies
Student: Kiara T. Simmons
Department: Biology, Chemistry, and Environmental Health Science Department, Benedict College,
1600 Harden Street, Columbia SC, 29204
Scholarship/Donor Information: Undergraduate, NIH R25 Program
Effects of Chemotherapy Regimens on Skeletal Muscle Mitochondrial Function in Breast
Cancer and Gynecological Cancer Patients Measured by Near Infrared Spectroscopy
Student: Garrett Smith
Department: USC SOMG, Department of Biomedical Science, Furman University, Prisma Health, Department
of Pediatric Hematology Oncology
Scholarship/Donor Information: Student stipend and research funded by a Prisma Health Transformative Research Seed
Comparison of Demographic and Pharmacological Characteristics of Vascular Dementia,
Alzheimer’s Disease, and Mixed Vascular and Alzheimer’s Disease stratified by Gender
Student: Madison Stanley
Department: USC SOMG, Department of Neuroscience
Scholarship/Donor Information: SOMG Scholars
Targeting Cryptococcus Caritine Biosynthesis: Meldonium (mildronate) inhibitor
Student: Ryan Stepp
Department: Clemson University, Department of Public Health Sciences
Scholarship/Donor Information: Student stipend provided by the Prisma Health Department of Medicine
The Effect of a Topical Cannabidiol on Pruritus
Student: Brooke Taylor
Department: Dermatology and Laser Center of the Carolinas
Trying to stay awake: Medical student exhaustion and fatigue on 12 hr EMT shifts
Student: Michelle Troup
Department: USC SOMG, Department of Biomedical Sciences
Scholarship/Donor Information: SOMG Scholars
Analysis of Ubiquitin Ligase Expression in Mosaic IVF-Embryos to Predict Embryo Viability
Student: Kayla Vaillant
Department: USC SOMG, Department of Biomedical Sciences
Scholarship/Donor Information: SOMG scholars
The Use of Smartphone Technology to Supervise Exercise Therapy in Patients with Peripheral
Artery Disease
Student: Quentell Wagener
Department: Prisma Health, Department of Surgery
Scholarship/Donor Information: SOMG Scholars
Development of a standardized scoring system to predict who does not need to be transferred
to a children’s hospital for appendicitis evaluation
Student: Ashlyn M. White
Department: Prisma Health, Department of Pediatric General Surgery
Scholarship/Donor Information: SOMG Scholars
The Effects of E-liquids With Nicotine and Without Nicotine on Caenorhabditis elegans
Student: MiLana C. Wiltshire
Department: USC Greenville NIH25 Summer Undergraduate Research Claflin University Department
of Biology Claflin University Department of Chemistry
Scholarship/Donor Information: Undergraduate, NIH R25 Program
No Child Left Behind: Evaluating Disparities in Pediatric Pharmacodynamic Data
Student: Matthew Jacob Wurst
Department: USC SOMG, Department of Biomedical Sciences and Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical
Scholarship/Donor Information: SOMG Scholars
The Influence of Language and Place of Birth on Use and Method of Contraception Among
Reproductive Age Hispanic Women in the United States
Student: Carla J. Wyatt-Ingram
Department: Cambridge Health Alliance/Harvard Medical School
Scholarship/Donor Information: SOMG Scholars
Papillary Meningioma: a single institution case series and comprehensive review of
the literature
Student: Wendy Yang
Department: Pathology Associates, Greenville SC
Scholarship/Donor Information: SOMG Scholars
A Case Report of Saint’s Triad and the Diagnostic Implications for Clinicians
Student: Hannah G. Young
Department: Anderson Univeristy, College of Health Professions
Scholarship/Donor Information: Undergraduate, NIH R25 Program