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  • 2019 AASWSW Fellows

Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare Inducts 21 New Fellows

Feb. 12, 2019
Chris Woodley • 

The Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare (AASWSW), currently headquartered at the College of Social Work of the University of South Carolina, features more than 100 top scholars in the field. Thanks to their research, insight and professional experience, the Academy is home to advocacy, policy statements and scholarly publications that affect important societal issues.   

The Academy is an honorific organization of scholars, researchers and practitioners dedicated to achieving excellence in the field of social work and social welfare through high impact work that advances social good. Founded in 2009, it sits among other professional academies such as the National Academy of Engineering and the American Academy of Nursing. Potential Academy Fellows must undergo a rigorous process. The Nominations and Elections Committee put forth a call for nominations, vet those nominees and prepare a slate of nominees for approval by the Board of Directors. Nominees approved by a majority of AASWSW Fellows in a general election are invited to join the organization. 

Each year, new Fellows are inducted during the annual scientific meeting of the Society for Social Work and Research. Twenty-one individuals were inducted on Jan. 18, 2019 in a two-hour public ceremony, followed by a reception.

“The fact that the induction ceremony was standing room only says a lot about the stature of the organization in the profession,” said Academy President Sarah Gehlert, Dean, University of South Carolina College of Social Work. “We estimated that 220 to 260 SSWR members were in attendance, a big increase from the 70 who attended a few years ago.”

Gehlert added that the large crowd speaks to the excitement created by the new initiatives resulting from the Academy’s 2017 strategic planning effort. The first Academy initiative was the Grand Challenges in Social Work, which was launched in 2016. Other initiatives have ensued.  

“These initiatives include a one-on-one mentoring program in which distinguished Academy Fellows working with junior faculty to develop manuscripts for publication, funding applications and rapid response to pressing policy issues,” said Gehlert. “With regard to the latter, the Academy was a signatory on a recent Amicus brief to halt immigrant child separation that remains active in the federal courts.”

The new Fellows of the Class of 2019 were inducted at the ceremony after Luis Zayas, Ph.D., Dean, Steve Hicks School of Social Work, University of Texas at Austin, who is an Academy Board member and President-Elect of the Society for Social Work and Research, presented, "Ending Immigration Detention and Family Separation: The Role of Research and the AASWSW in Advocacy." In his address, Dean Zayas emphasized the important role of scientific input in local and federal hearings involving family separation and described his own participation in hearings.

According to Gehlert, this year’s inductees form an especially impressive cohort. Eric Garland, Ph.D., MSW, of the University of Utah College of Social Work was recently named to the 16-member expert panel to guide the $1.1 million National Institutes of Health Helping to End Addiction Long-term initiative to end the opioid crisis. He was named to the panel by NIH Director Francis Collins.

In addition, Fred Ssewamala, Ph.D., of the Brown School of Social Work at Washington University in St. Louis has developed and tested economic empowerment and social protection interventions aimed at improving life chances and long-term developmental impacts for children and adolescent youth impacted by poverty and HIV/AIDS in low-resource communities. He currently has four NIH-funded longitudinal randomized studies across sub-Saharan Africa. Marlene Wong, Ph.D., MSW, is the former director of mental health, crisis teams and suicide prevention programs at the Los Angeles Unified School District. She is now the Senior Vice Dean, the Stein/Goldberg Sachs Professor of Mental Health, Director of Field Education and Executive Director of the Telehealth Clinic at the Susan Dworak Peck School of Social Work at the University of Southern California.

The Class of 2019 Fellows include Professor Sue Levkoff, who is the second Academy Fellow from the University of South Carolina College of Social Work. Her fellow inductees are:

Name School
Rami Benbenishty Bar-Ilan University 
John Clapp University of Southern California
Frances Brett Drake  Washington University in St. Louis 
Eric Garland  University of Utah
Michal Grinstein-Weiss Washington University in St. Louis 
Neil Guterman  New York University 
Kevin P. Haggerty  University of Washington 
Sydney L. Hans  University of Chicago 
David R. Hodge  Arizona State University 
Sue Levkoff  University of South Carolina  
Rebecca J. Macy  University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Sandra M. Magana University of Texas at Austin
Katherine Magnuson University of Wisconsin-Madison
N. Andrew Peterson Rutgers University
Marcie Pitt-Catsouphes Boston College
Audrey M. Shillington Colorado State University
Fred Ssewamala Washington University in St. Louis
Elizabeth M. Tracy Case Western Reserve University
Lynn Videka University of Michigan
John Wallace University of Pittsburgh
Marleen Wong University of Southern California

The complete list of AASWSW Fellows:

Name School Year Inducted
Mimi Abramovitz Hunter College  2015
Paula Allen-Meares  University of Illinois at Chicago  2009
Maryann Amodeo  Boston University  2015
Ron Avi Astor  University of Southern California  2017
Wendy Auslander  Washington University in St. Louis  2014
Michael J. Austin University of California, Berkeley  2015
Anita P. Barbee  University of Louisville  2016
Richard P. Barth  University of Maryland  2009
Lawrence M. Berger  University of Wisconsin-Madison  2015
Barbara J. Berkman  Columbia University  2010
Jill Duerr Berrick  University of California, Berkeley   2014
David Biegel Case Western Reserve University 2013
Gary Bowen University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 2016
John Brekke University of Southern California 2011
Denise Burnette Virginia Commonwealth University 2013
Maria Cancian University of Wisconsin-Madison 2016
Richard F. Catalano University of Washington 2012
Linda Chatters University of Michigan 2017
Iris Chi University of Southern California 2013
Namkee Choi University of Texas at Austin 2013
Ram Cnaan University of Pennsylvania 2017
Claudia J. Coulton Case Western Reserve University 2009
Mark Courtney University of Chicago 2012
Dennis Culhane University of Pennsylvania 2016
King Davis University of Texas at Austin 2010
Larry E. Davis University of Pittsburgh 2013
Jorge Delva Boston University 2017
Diane Depanfilis Hunter College 2014
Diana N. DiNitto University of Texas at Austin 2012
Jeffrey Draine Temple University 2013
Ruth Edna Dunkle University of Michigan 2012
Shaun Eack University of Pittsburgh 2016
Jeffrey L. Edleson University of California, Berkeley 2011
Nabila El-Bassel Columbia University 2011
Kathleen Ell University of Southern California 2010
Richard Estes University of Pennsylvania 2013
Ronald Feldman Columbia University 2011
Marilyn Flynn University of Southern California 2017; Honorary
Rowena Fong University of Texas at Austin 2013
Cynthia Franklin University of Texas at Austin 2016
Mark Fraser University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 2010
Irwin Garfinkel Columbia University 2010
Sarah Gehlert University of South Carolina 2010
Neil Gilbert University of California, Berkeley 2013
Grover Gilmore Case Western Reserve University 2017; Honorary
Charles Glisson Children’s Mental Health Service Research Center 2012
Robyn Golden Rush University 2016
Karen Fredriksen Goldsen University of Washington 2017
Deborah Gorman-Smith University of Chicago



Jan Steven Greenberg University of Wisconsin-Madison 2014
Vincent Guilamo-Ramos New York University 2015
Shenyang Guo Washington University in St. Louis 2014
Lorraine Gutierrez University of Michigan 2016
Jesse Harris University of Maryland 2010
Yeheskel Hasenfeld University of California, Los Angeles 2013
J. David Hawkins University of Washington 2010
Daniel Herman Hunter College 2012
Nancy R. Hooyman University of Washington 2011
Amy Horowitz Fordham University 2014
Susan L. Hughes University of Illinois at Chicago 2014
James Jaccard New York University 2016
Jeff Jenson University of Denver 2011
Sean Joe Washington University in St. Louis 2017
Melissa Johnson-Reid Washington University in St. Louis 2017
Sheila Kamerman Columbia University 2010
Rosalie A. Kane University of Minnesota 2012
Susan Kemp University of Washington 2016
Shanti Khinduka Washington University in St. Louis 2010
Stuart Kirk University of California, Los Angeles 2010
John Landsverk University of Southern California 2013
Craig LeCroy Arizona State University 2017
Taryn Lindhorst University of Washington 2015
James Lubben Boston College 2011
Lena Lundgren University of Denver 2016
Kevin Mahoney Boston College 2012
Marsha R. Mailick University of Wisconsin-Madison 2010
Gerald Mallon Hunter College 2014
Ronald Manderscheid National Association of County Behavioral Health and Developmental Disability Directors 2012
Jeanne Marsh University of Chicago 2010
Flavio F. Marsiglia Southwest Interdisciplinary Research Center 2012
Tom McDonald University of Kansas 2013
Mary McKern McKay Washington University in St. Louis 2012
Curtis McMillen University of Chicago 2013
Ruth McRoy Boston College 2010
Daniel R. Meyer University of Wisconsin-Madison 2012
James Midgley University of California, Berkeley 2010
Michàlle Mor Barak University of Southern California 2017
Nancy Morrow-Howell Washington University in St. Louis  2012
Edward J. Mullen  Columbia University  2011
Paula S. Nurius  University of Washington  2015
John G. Orme  University of Tennessee  2015
Deborah Padgett  New York University 2011
Yolanda Padilla  University of Texas at Austin  2013
Lawrence Albert Palinkas  University of Southern California  2015
Rino J. Patti  University of Southern California  2010
Peter J. Pecora  University of Washington  2009
Harold Pollack  University of Chicago  2015
Enola K. Proctor Washington University in St. Louis 2009
Mark Rank Washington University in St. Louis 2012
Michael Reisch University of Maryland 2016
Stephanie Robert University of Wisconsin-Madison 2015
Allen Rubin University of Houston 2010
Rosemary C. Sarri University of Michigan 2010
Andrew Scharlach University of California, Berkeley 2013
Robert F. Schilling University of California, Los Angeles 2011
Steven Segal University of California, Berkeley 2010
Michael Sherraden Washington University in St. Louis 2010
Mark Singer Case Western Reserve University 2014
Phyllis Solomon University of Pennsylvania 2010
Michael S. Spencer University of Washington 2015
Gail Steketee Boston University 2012
David Takeo Takeuchi Boston College 2013
Robert Taylor University of Michigan 2017
Mark Testa University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 2017
Bruce A. Thyer Florida State University 2015
Richard Tolman University of Michigan 2017
Ronald Toseland State University of New York at Albany 2010
John E. Tropman University of Michigan 2014
Edwina Uehara University of Washington 2017
Michael Vaughn St. Louis University 2016
Mary Velasquez University of Texas at Austin 2016
Karina Walters University of Washington 2014
Barbara W. White University of Texas at Austin 2009
James Herbert Williams Arizona State University 2016
Fred Wulczyn University of Chicago 2014
Luis Zayas University of Texas at Austin 2012
Sheryl Zimmerman University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 2012

Established in 2010, the Academy now includes more than 150 Fellows from over 38 universities. The eight-member Board of Directors consists of deans from the schools of social work at Washington University in St. Louis, Boston University, the University of Texas at Austin, the University of South Carolina and a former dean of the University of Washington, and four past presidents and the President-Elect of the Society for Social Work and Research.  

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