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Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice


Cory Schnell

Title: Assistant Professor, Master's Program Director
Department: Criminology and Criminal Justice
College of Arts and Sciences
Phone: 803-777-1238
Office: Currell College, Room 209
Resources: Curriculum Vitae [pdf]
Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice
Portrait of Cory Schnell, Assistant Professor


  • Ph.D. 2017, Rutgers University, Criminal Justice
  • M.A. 2014, Rutgers University, Criminal Justice
  • B.S. 2011, University of Cincinnati, Criminal Justice


Dr. Schnell’s research aims to advance understanding of where crimes occur within cities. His research focuses on refining descriptions of the micro-spatiotemporal distribution of violent crime patterns. In addition, he studies the effectiveness of policing strategies to reduce crime and enhance police-community relationships. Dr. Schnell explores a wide range of quantitative analytic techniques to answer research questions on these topics. He has been awarded the College of Arts and Science’s McCausland Faculty Fellowship and the Garnet Apple Award for Teaching Innovation at the University of South Carolina.


  • Crime and place
  • Policing
  • Quantitative methods


Schnell, C., Dewit, S., and Spencer, M.D. Forthcoming. “The Role of Neighborhoods in the Age of Crime Hot Spots: A Multi-Level Theory of the Spatial Distribution of Robbery in Chicago”. Crime & Delinquency.

Klein, B. R., Trowbridge, J.T., Schnell, C., and Lewis, K. 2024. “The Firearms Used in Adolescent School Shootings: Characteristics and Obtainment Methods”. JAMA Pediatrics, 178 (1): 73-79.

Schnell, C., and McManus, H.D. 2022. “The Influence of Temporal Specification on the Identification of Crime Hot Spots for Program Evaluations: A Test of Longitudinal Stability in Crime Paterns”. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 38 (1): 51-74.


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