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Department of Mathematics

  • Voronoi Triangulation around continental coastlines

Zhu Wang Awarded NSF Grant

Dr. Zhu Wang was awarded a three-year National Science Foundation (NSF) grant to investigate "Efficient Numerical Simulations of Oceanic Flows with Application to Coastal Modeling"

The PI proposes these numerical schemes because even with the use of multi-resolution meshes to capture scales from mesoscale to coastal scale, existing models still become infeasible due to the small time step size in an explicit solver and long-time simulations to simulate the huge ocean dynamical system over hundreds of years. The PI's proposed methods will overcome these issues to produce algorithms with computational efficiency and effectiveness for coastal ocean modeling.
The research proposed under this project will have a significant impact on the development of high order schemes for oceanic flow models and also on reduced modeling systems.

  The grant starts from July 15, 2019 with a total awarded amount  of $167,916.

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