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Graduation and Retention Network

SPTE 110

Sport and Entertainment in American Life

This course explores common questions and issues about sport and its relation to society through various sociological and cultural lenses. This course draws on a lifetime in sport as a participant, observer, fan, teacher, coach, administrator and critic to explore historical perspectives and complex relationships that have emerged between sport and our modern society.

Course Syllabus [pdf]

Download the course syllabus for full details about expectations, readings, assignments and more.

Learning Objectives/Outcomes

  • Students will examine how sport influences and is influenced by society.
  • Students will critically reflect upon the positive and negative consequences of sport in our society.
  • Students will examine the reciprocal relationship between sport and socialization, economics, and religion.
  • Students will recognize the relationship between topics studied in class and examples observed in current sport and entertainment events.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
