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College of Arts and Sciences

Residential Risk Disclosure

The New First Line of Defense: Building Community Resilience through Residential Risk Disclosure
Subaward to USC: Dr. Susan Cutter (HVRI) and Dr. Tamara Sheldon (Moore School of Business)

Project Overview

Using the Gulf of Mexico Region as a test bed, this multi-institutional and multi-disciplinary (18 investigators) project is designed to leverage actionable information on disaster risk and mitigation alternatives in housing location and choices as the first-line of defense in making communities more resilience to hazards. Four thematic areas guide the work:

  1.  Examining location and housing decisions, specifically how potential renters and buyers understand hazard risk and mitigation options for housing;
  2. Identifying the range of residential mitigation options based on individual hazard assessments and building information;
  3. Understanding resilience dynamics, particularly determining the geospatial distribution of vulnerability, hazard risks, resilience, and mitigation opportunities and developing the actionable information into a user-center tool to support housing decision-making; and
  4. Providing interactive case study analyses on resilience strategies and policies at local scales, especially involving stakeholders in translating practice to refinements and testing of the HazardAware©tool.

HVRI is contributing to themes 2 and 3 by contributing data and downscaling computations for SoVI®and BRIC metrics in the study region and how to integrate such actionable data into the HazardAware©application. The Moore School contribution focuses on theme 1 in developing choice models for mitigation options and understanding risk.

Project Lead Investigators: Dr. Christopher T. Emrich (UCF) and Dr. Melanie Gall (ASU)

Funding: Gulf Research Program, Thriving Communities Program 

Publications:  Derakhshan, S., Blackwood, L., Habets, M., Effgen, J.F., Cutter, S.L. 2022. Prisoners of Scale: Downscaling Community Resilience Measurements for Enhanced UseSustainability 2022, 14, 6927.

Derakhshan, S., C.T. Emrich, and S.L. Cutter, 2022.  Degree and direction of overlap between social vulnerability and community resilience measurements, PLoS ONE 17(10):e0275975.

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