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    Over 50 undergraduates in CAN-affiliated labs presented research at Discover USC 2024!

May Newsletter Released!

Read the newsletter here [pdf]


The CAN Resarch Center has had a busy semester! Check out the May 2024 Newsletter to learn about:

  • Recent community events sponsored by the CAN Research Center, such as AutismConnect 2024 and Autism's Got Talent.
  • Upcoming programming opportunities inlcuding a summer strategic planning meeting, the annual fall retreat, and a free summer camp for autisitic kids sponsored by the CAN Research Center and the USC Department of Theatre and Dance.
  • Research at the Communication in Autism and Neurodevelopmental Disorders (CANDi) Lab, led by Dr. Abigail Hogan, Assistant Profess of Communication Sciences & Disorders.
  • Highights from the annual CAN Research Roundup

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
