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Arnold School of Public Health

Maternal, Infant, and Child Nutrition

Maternal, infant, and child nutrition includes the study and promotion of biological, intrapersonal, interpersonal, institutional, and policy level influences on nutrition wellbeing for mothers, infants, children, and their families across the lifespan. 

Current Novel Research Efforts

  • Potential benefits and harms of the school-based backpack program in response to child hunger.
  • How low food security in the United States is predicted by complex patterns of health, economics and service participation.
  • Househould food insecurity and lifetime racial discrimmination among African-American households in South Carolina. 
  • Improving the growth, development, feeding care, and survival of infants and young children.
  • Understanding the processes underlying the increased long-term heart disease risk in women who have certain complications in pregnancy, such as preterm birth, high blood pressure in pregnancy, and preeclampsia. 
  • Perinatal epidemiology, obesity, and physical activity in morthers and children.

Associated Research Affiliates

Research Labs & Centers

Community Related Organizations

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
