2024 Events
Language Tables at South Quad
- Bate Papo: Portuguese Table 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM every other week, alternating Mondays and Tuesdays
- Tertulia: Spanish Table Mondays from 3:15pm – 4:15pm
- German Table Wednesdays from 3pm – 4pm
- Mandarin Table Wednesdays from 6pm – 7pm
- Korean Table Every other Thursday, 5pm – 6pm
- French Table Thursdays from 6pm – 7pm
Boren Awards for Critical-Need Language Study Info Session
Thursday, November 7, 2024, 1:15pm-2:30pm
Harper 320
Learn how to apply for Boren Awards – which offer funding for undergraduate and graduate
students to study less-commonly taught languages abroad for up to a year. Get your
questions answered and spend time working on your application materials with the national
fellowship team.
This is event is sponsored by the office of National Fellowships and Scholar Programs.
RF Kuang Reading Group
Tuesday, Nov 12, 2024, 6 p.m. – 7 p.m.
South Quad Baraza (Room 167)
Read & discuss some of RF Kuang’s short nonfiction pieces in preparation for her visit to the Richland Library on November 15! You are welcome to join even if you don’t read beforehand! We’ll be chatting about “Olivia Rodrigo and the Impossible Pressure to Stay a Prodigy”, a Times Magazine article reflecting on achieving creative success early, and Kuang’s Review of American Fiction for Time Magazine, where she shares insights on representation in film.
Fans of Kuang may also enjoy her blog, where she covers life as a writer and offers great book & film recommendations.
Tuesday, Nov 12, 2024, 6 p.m. – 7 p.m.
South Quad Baraza (Room 167)
Read & discuss some of RF Kuang’s short nonfiction pieces in preparation for her visit to the Richland Library on November 15! You are welcome to join even if you don’t read beforehand! We’ll be chatting about “Olivia Rodrigo and the Impossible Pressure to Stay a Prodigy”, a Times Magazine article reflecting on achieving creative success early, and Kuang’s Review of American Fiction for Time Magazine, where she shares insights on representation in film.
Fans of Kuang may also enjoy her blog, where she covers life as a writer and offers great book & film recommendations.
This event is hosted by Global Fellows.
Entrepreneurs Behind the Lens: The Art and Business of Filmmaking
Thursday, November 14, 2024, 3pm - 4:30pm
Sonoco Pavilion at Darla Moore School of Business
For Students, Faculty, Staff, and Community members
A panel on independent film production and distribution, exploring how filmmakers
transform artistic visions into viable businesses, locally and globally. Sponsored
by The Faber Entrepreneurship Center, USC International Education Week, and Local Cinema Studios. Registration is required.
- Kim Falck, Writer/Director/Actor: Kim Falck is a Norwegian filmmaker with a bachelor’s degree in acting (Oslo Academy of the Arts) and a master’s degree in film directing (New York University Tisch Asia). Currently Kim performs regularly as an actor at the National Theatre of Norway and can be seen on multiple TV and film projects including the Netflix show, Midsummer Night, and the Netflix film, Troll, which is the most watched non-English Netflix movie of all time.
- Joshua Foster, Writer/Director/Producer: Joshua Foster, native of Spartanburg, SC, is a writer/director/producer currently residing in the Lower East Side of New York City with his wife and daughter. He is a graduate of the NYU Tisch MFA graduate film program where he earned the NYU Media Services Award for producing an outstanding body of films over the course of his studies. He received an IMBA graduate degree and undergraduate degree at the University of South Carolina. Joshua works as an executive for Cinetic Media in the company’s film finance and production department.
- Hanne van der Iest, Independent Film Producer: Hanne van der Iest is a producer of the independent movie SUPERVOID and an instructor in the Sociology Department at USC. Hanne has advanced degrees in quantitative anthropology from the University of Oxford and Emory University. She has been awarded multiple program development and research grants, including the South Carolina Film Commission.
- Isaiah Wolfe, Independent/Documentary Producer
International Festival on Greene
Friday, November 15, 2024, 11:00am-2:00pm
Greene Street
For Students, Faculty, Staff, and Community members
Come celebrate cultures from around the world with music, conversation, dancing and
creative displays all by walking down Greene Street by the Russell House! International
student organizations are welcome to host a table display. See a past year's video of the festival, to preview what the day will look like. Register for tabling at the festival today!
Meet the Author: RF Kuang at Richland Library
Friday, Nov 15 , 7 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.
Richland County Public Library Main Branch on Assembly
Award-winning, #1 New York Times bestselling author Rebecca F. Kuang will discuss her recent works Babel: An Arcane History and Yellowface as part of Richland Library's Broader Bookshelf program. Kuang’s novels examine themes of migration, language, identity and representation.
Join members of the Global Fellows program at the Richland Library at 7pm, or meet on the South Quad balcony at 6:30pm to walk over together.
Friday, Nov 15 , 7 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.
Richland County Public Library Main Branch on Assembly
Award-winning, #1 New York Times bestselling author Rebecca F. Kuang will discuss her recent works Babel: An Arcane History and Yellowface as part of Richland Library's Broader Bookshelf program. Kuang’s novels examine themes of migration, language, identity and representation.
Join members of the Global Fellows program at the Richland Library at 7pm, or meet on the South Quad balcony at 6:30pm to walk over together.
Saturday, November 16, 2024, 6pm
Russell House Theater
For Students, Faculty, Staff, and Community members
It’s time for Jashn! Please come and celebrate Diwali with the Indian student community.
Jashn is our celebration of all the South Asian holidays that take place at the end
of the year. Dinner provided!
Offered by the Indian Student Organization.
Friendsgiving 2024
Sunday, Nov 17, 2024, 3pm – 6pm
South Quad Baraza
Sunday, Nov 17, 2024, 3pm – 6pm
South Quad Baraza
International students across campus are invited to join the South Quad community
in our annual Friendsgiving feast. We will have turkey, dressing, and other traditional
Thanksgiving dishes, and we will also be hosting a potluck! All students are encouraged
to make and bring any dish that they would like to make.
Want to bring something? Share your recipe here and we will add it to our Global Fellows Community Recipe Book – and we’ll share a copy with you!
Want to bring something? Share your recipe here and we will add it to our Global Fellows Community Recipe Book – and we’ll share a copy with you!
This event is hosted by Global Fellows.
Cultural Cook-Off
Sunday, November 17, 2024, 5pm - 7pm
Russell Underground
For Students
$2/student (Proceeds will be donated to charity.)
Come experience cuisines from Latin, African, Caribean, and American culture.
This event is sponsored by APIAA, NAACP, CASA, VSA, and PANASA.
Have English, Will Travel: Tips for Teaching Abroad
Monday, November 18, 2024, 12:00-1:00 PM
Close Hipp Building, Room 452
For Students, Faculty, Staff, and Community members
Interested in teaching English overseas? This is the information session for you!
Join us for an information session led by three people who have taught in different
countries all over the world. Providing you with different facts and resources to
get you started on your journey to teaching English abroad! They will also be reflecting
on their own experiences to give you insight into what this wonderful journey is like.
Don’t miss out!
Offered by the Education Abroad Office and National Fellowships.
Fulbright Awards for Study, Research and English Teaching Abroad
Tuesday, November 19, 2024, 1:15pm - 2:30pm
Harper 320
For Students
Join USC’s national fellowships team to learn how you can craft a competitive application
for Fulbright, which funds one year of English teaching or graduate study internationally.
The award is open to rising seniors, current graduate students and USC alumni. This
session will include an overview of the award from Fulbright representatives, tips
for preparing your application and an overview of how to get started at USC.
Diwali Sneh-Milan: Balancing Tradition and Modernity
Tuesday, November 19, 2024, 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Capstone Building, Room 1723
You are invited to the Diwali ‘Sneh-Milan’ organized by the BAPS Shri Swaminarayan
Mandir in Columbia, SC. Join us for an enlightening evening with the Pujya Swamis,
who will share their wisdom on how to balance tradition and modernity in our lives.
Traditional Indian food will be served!
Please RSVP using the following link: https://forms.gle/TJRnjgfH3fkihyEU7
Please RSVP using the following link: https://forms.gle/TJRnjgfH3fkihyEU7
Travel Tips & Hot Cocoa Sips
Wednesday, November 20, 2024, 11am - 3pm
Greene Street in front of Russell House
For Students
Share travel tips over hot chocolate at this exchange student meet and greet. Students
planning to travel abroad for Spring '25 are invited to an informal information exchange
with international exchange students.
Offered by Education Abroad and International Student & Scholar Support
Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters Program Alumni Panel
Thursday, November 21, 3pm - 4:30pm
Interested in grad school? How about grad school abroad? The Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters program lets you earn a master’s degree in three or more European countries – fully-funded!
From space medicine to global environment and development to animation, there’s lots of exciting opportunities to choose from. Join National Fellowships and Scholar Programs (NFSP) to learn more about this opportunity and hear from Jordan Hammond (USC Class of 2020,
Europubhealth+ Class of 2022) and Amanda Tregde (USC Class of 2023, IMBRSea Class
of 2026) about their experiences applying for and receiving EMJM grants in public
health and marine conservation.